Trials, errors and tests...what has been your personal LESSON to learn in love?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by LibraLovesHim on Monday, May 15, 2017 and has 7 replies.
Mines has been not to make my partner EVERYTHING. Yes its true, he's just a man! LoL! I used to look at my friend like :-O "But he is everything" i'd say in my mind. Bad road to go down. I think it gives way too much pressure, don't get me wrong i'm still a lil obsessive and think about him/the relationship more than I probably should, but I believe the first step is to outwardly stop feeding those emotions.
I've learned to SLOW down; I don't bed with a man anymore. If I'm worth it, he will come back for another date; so far, I've been batting 0 for 2; next!!!!

Hug cyber hugs!


Posted by d0s3r
i don´t think i learn anything lol

Lol! Is there something that keeps repeating itself?
Mine is not to depend on anyone for anything

Took me a long time, but I got there in the end

I was so horribly needy which lead to so much disappointment...
It ain't love if it's just filling in what's missing.

You don't have to tear yourself apart in love.

The next person you date is not the same as your last one. If you keep thinking like that, you're going to ruin the relationship yourself, and that's no one's fault but your own.

Don't bring baggage from another relationship.

It's easier to hate someone than to come back and fix what you had.
-don't wait for people who don't love you back (stop wasting your time)

-LDR sucks

-don't be too available

that's all i can think of for now.
Always be honest no matter how hard it is to tell the truth and no matter how afraid you are to lose your partner. There's less chance they leave you or don't forgive you if you're honest straight up instead of holding it back or letting them find out.