VENUS: (5) double whammy's in synastry chart

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by HermesVirgo on Thursday, July 27, 2017 and has 10 replies.

hey guys! looking at my synastry and there's lots of Venus going on. help me interpret this stuff !!!!

me (Virgo - Sun, Sag - Moon, Cancer Rising)

my Pluto (4th - Capricorn) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)

my Venus (1st - Cancer) trines her Pluto (12th - Scorprio).

my Venus (1st - Cancer) is Conjunct her Mars (8th - Cancer)

her Venus (8th - Gemini) is Conjunct my Mars (12th - Gemini)

her Chiron (8th - Cancer) is Conjunct my Venus (1st - Cancer) ; also Cancer (ASCENDANT).

my Chiron (11th - Taurus) is on her Taurus Sun (6th - Sun)


there's also a double whammy Venus - Nodes:

my South Node (10th - Aries) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)

my North Node (4th - Libra) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)

her South Node (8th - Cancer) trines my Venus (1st - Cancer)

her North Node (2nd - Cancer) opposition to my Venus (1st - Cancer)

How do you feel about him/her?
That's the most amazing synastry I've seen so far.
Looks good synastry. You guys must have chemistry and feel alot of sexual desire toward each other.

it's been a GREAT relationship. we have the same "sag moon" as well. we can't seem to let each other go during the periods when we've both been ready to give up. its a "familiarity" i feel with her. she speaks of the same thing "familiarity" and comfort in being together.

Posted by Nevermore
Good thing no venus conjunct North Node.
what's up with Venus conj NN ?

there's synastry in north node, but not double..

my North Node (4th - Libra) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)

her North Node (2nd - Cancer) opposition to my Venus (1st - Cancer)
Posted by Capmercury87
What's her moon sign?

You made this all sorts of messy
Same moon sign. We both have Sag Moon.

Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by HermesVirgo
Posted by Capmercury87
What's her moon sign?

You made this all sorts of messy
Same moon sign. We both have Sag Moon.

Mars to Venus Synastry (which is what you guys have) will never be healthy in the long run. You guys can relate from your earth suns and fire moons but that Gemini venus of hers is no match for your cancer venus, her cancer mars doesn't make it any better for either of you.

There will be chemistry at first but in the long run venus will always dominate when it comes to mars/venus synastry.
click to expand
Interesting... tell me more about her Venus-Gemini. We joked about it meaning she couldn't be faithful. Same with my Mars-Gemini. Do the edual conjunctions balance things out?

Posted by HermesVirgo

it's been a GREAT relationship. we have the same "sag moon" as well. we can't seem to let each other go during the periods when we've both been ready to give up. its a "familiarity" i feel with her. she speaks of the same thing "familiarity" and comfort in being together.

well if it's a great relationship, no problems.

just go with it.