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May 17, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 128 · Topics: 21
hey guys! looking at my synastry and there's lots of Venus going on. help me interpret this stuff !!!!
me (Virgo - Sun, Sag - Moon, Cancer Rising)
my Pluto (4th - Capricorn) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)
my Venus (1st - Cancer) trines her Pluto (12th - Scorprio).
my Venus (1st - Cancer) is Conjunct her Mars (8th - Cancer)
her Venus (8th - Gemini) is Conjunct my Mars (12th - Gemini)
her Chiron (8th - Cancer) is Conjunct my Venus (1st - Cancer) ; also Cancer (ASCENDANT).
my Chiron (11th - Taurus) is on her Taurus Sun (6th - Sun)
there's also a double whammy Venus - Nodes:
my South Node (10th - Aries) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)
my North Node (4th - Libra) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)
her South Node (8th - Cancer) trines my Venus (1st - Cancer)
her North Node (2nd - Cancer) opposition to my Venus (1st - Cancer)
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
How do you feel about him/her?
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
That's the most amazing synastry I've seen so far.
Looks good synastry. You guys must have chemistry and feel alot of sexual desire toward each other.
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May 17, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 128 · Topics: 21
it's been a GREAT relationship. we have the same "sag moon" as well. we can't seem to let each other go during the periods when we've both been ready to give up. its a "familiarity" i feel with her. she speaks of the same thing "familiarity" and comfort in being together.
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May 17, 2017Comments: 0 · Posts: 128 · Topics: 21
there's synastry in north node, but not double..
my North Node (4th - Libra) trines her Venus (8th - Gemini)
her North Node (2nd - Cancer) opposition to my Venus (1st - Cancer)