Virgo friend mad at me?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by piscesmermaidx on Tuesday, October 24, 2017 and has 1 replies.
My virgo friend is angry with me because I didn't 'defend' her; my other friend was debating with her about an opinion she had, and she refused to try and reach a compromise. The one arguing with her was a gemini; he kept trying to state how he felt about the subject but she got so annoyed and fed up that she didn't want to hear it, and just told him to drop it (which he wouldn't). I had taken his side, because I supported his opinion, and because he's also my friend. I believe she was getting too worked up, as he was just trying to talk to her and she didn't even want to try and see his point of view; after he started getting loud, though, I told him to calm down. She won't speak to me now; I already tried to talk with her a bit after this happened, and she shut me down, saying it didn't matter (she was clearly angry; she put in her earbuds to avoid talking to me). So i sent her a long apology immediately after, of which she has and will not respond to. I got a few words out of her, but they were just bland and bored, and it's awkward when I try to talk to her. What should I do to get her to calm down? I understand I was in the wrong, of which I told her, but I'm also upset because I was just stating my opinion.