virgo girls = classy = boring?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by memyself on Tuesday, March 12, 2013 and has 22 replies.
i have noticed on all the forums here that there are hardly any virgo girls bashing, trash talking, finger pointing, fighting. does anyone else notice this? i, for one, would like to give my piece of mind, but am too busy thinking of the right words. i want to say only the right things, or more so in the right way. aah this sucks. sometimes, my best option becomes to just stay shut.
hmm, fellow virgo girls, r u guys this way too?
P.S. we are very emotional, sensitive inside. there is a boiling, burning volcano of emotions wanting to erupt. but we are even stronger than that volcano, does it make sense?
agreed, classy is for someone else to tell. but seriously i have a hard time verbally emoting. it's like thousand thoughts crossing my mind but none coming out. it's painful to self, and i know frustrating to some who need verbal communication Sad
Posted by LonelyVirgo
Posted by memyself
agreed, classy is for someone else to tell. but seriously i have a hard time verbally emoting. it's like thousand thoughts crossing my mind but none coming out. it's painful to self, and i know frustrating to some who need verbal communication Sad

I could bad mouth my ex scorpio into a million pieces if I wanted to, but I just find it easier to diplomatically explain my reasoning and his faults. I think that it is best to have an emotional breakdown in the arms of the person, or in my case while holding my dog or journalling.I just think it is better than thrashing someone online...maybe that's just me. sometimes I have to vent, but I like to find a logical way of expressing that anger or hurt.
hope that made sense.
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that is how i feel. though most times, i am angry on myself for not saying my mind. it's frustrating!
I just figure there is enough rubbish around why add to the pile?
And, by the time I may have thought of something strong-worded but polite, someone who is more trigger happy has usually jumped in and bashed the op or whoever is conversing....
So I then figure, why rub it in?
I totally get the difficulty about verbalising too, it's the most frustrating thing in the world, my mind runs a million miles a minute and my throat or expression just closes up!
It leads to big gaps in communication... So much for Mercury *eye roll*
I find that (at least most that I personally know) rather talk to the person directly they sort of keep things under wrap, even if they might dislike you for whatever reason they still show respect for you or is it just ignoring their existence? *shrugs* I get the vibe that when they get like that the other person just isn't worth their time anymore.
Though mind you I did have one chase me down across an intersection and yell out some horrible stuff out loud it was a sight!
Posted by aquasnoz
I find that (at least most that I personally know) rather talk to the person directly they sort of keep things under wrap, even if they might dislike you for whatever reason they still show respect for you or is it just ignoring their existence? *shrugs* I get the vibe that when they get like that the other person just isn't worth their time anymore.
Though mind you I did have one chase me down across an intersection and yell out some horrible stuff out loud it was a sight!

it's mostly because we hate confrontations or are afraid to face the truth. also, even if things don't work out with someone, i do not want the stress that comes from fighting face to face. i can live in my sadness conversing with my mind. maybe i am afraid to be cut out from someone's life in one shot, and prefer slowly fading away. i will be gone with time from that person's life, but it cannot be sudden, maybe that's the reason for keeping things under wrap.
but yes, this is with someone i cared about. with someone i don't respect, i can be gone sooner.
Haha my virgo friend is the same way. She never bashes anyone. If someone doesn't like her she just says i'm sorry they feel that way lol
Classy intelligent sophisticated virgo women, now that's sexy.
hmm, it takes a sensitive, patient, confident man to get a virgo. for anyone else we could just be cold.
I'm a pretty opinionated person so if I feel strongly about something I have a tendency to say it. Does that make me classless? I hope not, but I believe that class is defined differently for all kinds of people. I'd rather be known as an honest person than a "classy" person. I try not to be obnoxious about things and simply state what I think. But of course I can't say that everything I say is PC. But I think it's okay. I hold in my opinions sometimes if I know that it would be more beneficial to do so. I think my Gem moon keeps me verbal though smile
Being a feisty woman does not mean she doesn't have class. She doesn't take any shit. There's a difference.
Posted by Sutekh
Posted by memyself
i have noticed on all the forums here that there are hardly any virgo girls bashing, trash talking, finger pointing, fighting. does anyone else notice this? i, for one, would like to give my piece of mind, but am too busy thinking of the right words. i want to say only the right things, or more so in the right way. aah this sucks. sometimes, my best option becomes to just stay shut.
hmm, fellow virgo girls, r u guys this way too?
P.S. we are very emotional, sensitive inside. there is a boiling, burning volcano of emotions wanting to erupt. but we are even stronger than that volcano, does it make sense?

R U shittin me with this thread?
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Care to elaborate? Since you know so much about "Virgo energy".
my current boyfriend has 3 virgo ex's, 2 were serious and one was a short relationship.. first two serious ones cheated on him.. 2 I have met, one serious ex and the less serious ex, they still share same group of friends time to time, but he does not contact them, ever! One did manage to trash talk, and I heard with my own ears (on a group camping trip, she is his best friends sister) most of her bash talking was jealousy like "why is he with her, ugh" "she isn't even his type" "he could do so much better" (he stopped seeing her cause he went for me). All 3 knew I was with their ex and still tried contacting him to hangout and get together, one on one, and brought up past feelings asking if he still cared, not even joking! Now a classy Virgo would respect a past lovers space and leave it, let him move on and not randomly text and try to hangout when he is happily with someone . But they have all interfered with our relationship, they love being dramatic.
It's according to the situation whether I speak up or not.Sometimes the first thought on the tounge is a pretty good one-sometimes you just gotta let it fly and most times you don't.It can be a waste of energy for no new result.If I want to get someone to leave me alone,I will bore them to death.Otherwise I think of it as being calm instead.Being a class act may not get you farther faster ,but you do leave a good impression and that can help you down the line.
"maybe i am afraid to be cut out from someone's life in one shot, and prefer slowly fading away."
^^^^^^^^^THIS! For some reason in matters of emotions and relationships even friendships I cannot just cut out in one instance. I have faded out of every relationship I've ended. I think that fading time is the time we are convincing ourselves that leaving is the right thing to do. No matter how bad the relationship I cannot leave it til I'm 100% sure leaving is the right thing to do and that takes time... So I fade.
In matters of random verbal altercations; I have a habit of seeing where the conversation will go in my head before I say anything and if I see a pointless back and forth with no real resolution I'd rather just let the person think they're right and save my patience. I like my "arguments" to go like this: I say my piece, you say yours we either agree or agree to disagree and stop talking about it. I HATE when arguments just keep going round and round with no resolution. Arguing for the sake of arguing. It makes my bones itch!
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by neuroticvirgo
"maybe i am afraid to be cut out from someone's life in one shot, and prefer slowly fading away."
^^^^^^^^^THIS! For some reason in matters of emotions and relationships even friendships I cannot just cut out in one instance. I have faded out of every relationship I've ended. I think that fading time is the time we are convincing ourselves that leaving is the right thing to do. No matter how bad the relationship I cannot leave it til I'm 100% sure leaving is the right thing to do and that takes time... So I fade.
In matters of random verbal altercations; I have a habit of seeing where the conversation will go in my head before I say anything and if I see a pointless back and forth with no real resolution I'd rather just let the person think they're right and save my patience. I like my "arguments" to go like this: I say my piece, you say yours we either agree or agree to disagree and stop talking about it. I HATE when arguments just keep going round and round with no resolution. Arguing for the sake of arguing. It makes my bones itch!

but once the fading starts its over right? so when a person notices this in a relationship with a vIrgo they should automatically assume its over and bounce?
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Not necessarily... for me (at least in the beginning of the fade) I'm silently hoping the person gets there ish together and gives me a reason not to leave. But over time if that doesn't happen then my emotions become detached and that's when it's over just a matter of time before they realize I'm gone.
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by neuroticvirgo
"maybe i am afraid to be cut out from someone's life in one shot, and prefer slowly fading away."
^^^^^^^^^THIS! For some reason in matters of emotions and relationships even friendships I cannot just cut out in one instance. I have faded out of every relationship I've ended. I think that fading time is the time we are convincing ourselves that leaving is the right thing to do. No matter how bad the relationship I cannot leave it til I'm 100% sure leaving is the right thing to do and that takes time... So I fade.
In matters of random verbal altercations; I have a habit of seeing where the conversation will go in my head before I say anything and if I see a pointless back and forth with no real resolution I'd rather just let the person think they're right and save my patience. I like my "arguments" to go like this: I say my piece, you say yours we either agree or agree to disagree and stop talking about it. I HATE when arguments just keep going round and round with no resolution. Arguing for the sake of arguing. It makes my bones itch!

but once the fading starts its over right? so when a person notices this in a relationship with a vIrgo they should automatically assume its over and bounce?

Not necessarily... for me (at least in the beginning of the fade) I'm silently hoping the person gets there ish together and gives me a reason not to leave. But over time if that doesn't happen then my emotions become detached and that's when it's over just a matter of time before they realize I'm gone.
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this, yes. and clueless fading for me is not necessarily only when i want out. fading can also be when someone else that i care for wants out. as i hate confrontations, so even when someone wants out, but continues to be cordial with me, i will go with that than say if it is no, then bye bye. i dont know why i do this. maybe in my heart i still see some hope? i will continue talking to that person while gradually move away. but strange thing is when it finally registers that there is no hope, or if i feel dissed or disrespected, then i will be gone in a sec. that gives me the strength or even make me want out asap.
Posted by memyself
Posted by neuroticvirgo
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by neuroticvirgo
"maybe i am afraid to be cut out from someone's life in one shot, and prefer slowly fading away."
^^^^^^^^^THIS! For some reason in matters of emotions and relationships even friendships I cannot just cut out in one instance. I have faded out of every relationship I've ended. I think that fading time is the time we are convincing ourselves that leaving is the right thing to do. No matter how bad the relationship I cannot leave it til I'm 100% sure leaving is the right thing to do and that takes time... So I fade.
In matters of random verbal altercations; I have a habit of seeing where the conversation will go in my head before I say anything and if I see a pointless back and forth with no real resolution I'd rather just let the person think they're right and save my patience. I like my "arguments" to go like this: I say my piece, you say yours we either agree or agree to disagree and stop talking about it. I HATE when arguments just keep going round and round with no resolution. Arguing for the sake of arguing. It makes my bones itch!

but once the fading starts its over right? so when a person notices this in a relationship with a vIrgo they should automatically assume its over and bounce?

Not necessarily... for me (at least in the beginning of the fade) I'm silently hoping the person gets there ish together and gives me a reason not to leave. But over time if that doesn't happen then my emotions become detached and that's when it's over just a matter of time before they realize I'm gone.

this, yes. and clueless fading for me is not necessarily only when i want out. fading can also be when someone else that i care for wants out. as i hate confrontations, so even when someone wants out, but continues to be cordial with me, i will go with that than say if it is no, then bye bye. i dont know why i do this. maybe in my heart i still see some hope? i will continue talking to that person while gradually move away. but strange thing is when it finally registers that there is no hope, or if i feel dissed or disrespected, then i will be gone in
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OMG THIS!!! I do the exact same thing! It like in these situations I stay in it until the person does enough to push me completely away. Once they do enough I AM OUT and I'm NEVER coming back. This is why a Virgo will rarely regress
Posted by harry99
Posted by memyself
agreed, classy is for someone else to tell. but seriously i have a hard time verbally emoting. it's like thousand thoughts crossing my mind but none coming out. it's painful to self, and i know frustrating to some who need verbal communication Sad

lol I posted something about the emoting thing. Yeah I like to hear positive feelings towards along with the criticism
from the person I'm with. Too much of one thing can be bad ijs
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i might come across as critical, but i think i am not hard on anyone. yes, same time i cannot say in words too much what someone means to me. i will say at some point, but it does not come naturally to me in routine conversations, like hey, i missed you so much, hey you look soo good. these things are just in my thoughts. maybe during serious talks, i might express these feelings, but routine, casual talk, the words are stuck in my throat hahaha. seriously sometimes the unspoken emotions are overwhelming.
Posted by harry99
Posted by seraph
When your whole life is several sets of To-Do Lists, you probably don't have any time to trash-talk in the first place. Winking

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