Water Moons

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by DMV on Thursday, March 21, 2013 and has 19 replies.
How do you feel when someone doesnt acknowledge your feelings?
Posted by DMV
How do you feel when someone doesnt acknowledge your feelings?

I feel "SUPER-SULTED."...getting feelings out of me next time around will be like trying to crack an iron clad nut. LOL. WHAT Emotions??..SHUT DOWN.

Posted by Pecheresse
Like slowly killing them
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Meat grinder slow?? yup. bwahaha..

Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.

What you said here reminds me of a convo I had with
my bf and his friends. The Aqua friend basically said
that no one can make you feel anything you chose to
feel what you feel. To that I gave him the WTF face.
Like dude do you really think your own actions don't
affect other people?
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trust, this is a lesson for me at the same time. i can be a selfish sag who cares nothing for others' feelings. but when mine get hurt, look out!
i am truly coming to grips with parts of my own personality. BUT in learning this lesson, it doesnt excuse the fact that it steams me up inside when someone doesnt acknowledge my hurt.
even the good feelings need to be acknowledged.
Posted by Sutekh
Im used to it my parents both lack water. Pops would just be like stop crying whats wrong with you. Mom would look at me like smfh.
I understand it and the mentality.

so you cry....hmm
Posted by Sutekh
Posted by DMV
Posted by Sutekh
Im used to it my parents both lack water. Pops would just be like stop crying whats wrong with you. Mom would look at me like smfh.
I understand it and the mentality.

so you cry....hmm

In secret I used to sometimes. Never been much of a crier though I thought there was something wrong with it.
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nothing wrong with a little tear here and there. when the moon transits the 1st or 8th house, im ballin my eyes out
Posted by Sutekh
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.

What you said here reminds me of a convo I had with
my bf and his friends. The Aqua friend basically said
that no one can make you feel anything you chose to
feel what you feel. To that I gave him the WTF face.
Like dude do you really think your own actions don't
affect other people?

I understand it. Its about taking owner ship of your feelings. Like "i got my verbal proof jacket on nothing you say can hurt me"
I also can tell when things are said with malice and when its just talkin shyt.
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with your last line,
its subjective for me to tell the difference. some people have me second guessing
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.
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This seems like that person is trying to take in what you have just said and sort it out for themselves. Some people don't give an immediate response. It doesn't mean they are ignoring you just could be analyzing the situation and will get back to you. If I tell someone how I feel and they did this, i would just ask them if they needed time to process it and I will be bringing this back up later. If they ignore me once I've brought it back up, then it would be an issue.
In arguments though, I say what I have to say and am over it. You could try and argue but you will be arguing with yourself because I completely tune you out if it's something I don't want to hear. I'm kind of selfish too. Now if someone has something to tell me, I will take some time to work through it and I do keep quiet until I have the right things to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing and make it worse.
Posted by DeeGee
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.

Got it , well its happened to me before, I just keep coming back at them, "so are you going to say anything?"...No? ok, you'll see....
When a Scorpio Moon tells you "you'll see" watch your ass...
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^^^^ LMAO!

And side note something is up with you young man.
This air of change is just emanating off of you.
You seem in a good place. Mazel tov brotha

RIGHT! i dig it
Posted by DeeGee
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.

Got it , well its happened to me before, I just keep coming back at them, "so are you going to say anything?"...No? ok, you'll see....
When a Scorpio Moon tells you "you'll see" watch your ass...
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its the gospel
Posted by saggurl88
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.

This seems like that person is trying to take in what you have just said and sort it out for themselves. Some people don't give an immediate response. It doesn't mean they are ignoring you just could be analyzing the situation and will get back to you. If I tell someone how I feel and they did this, i would just ask them if they needed time to process it and I will be bringing this back up later. If they ignore me once I've brought it back up, then it would be an issue.
In arguments though, I say what I have to say and am over it. You could try and argue but you will be arguing with yourself because I completely tune you out if it's something I don't want to hear. I'm kind of selfish too. Now if someone has something to tell me, I will take some time to work through it and I do keep quiet until I have the right things to say. I don't want to say the wrong thing and make it worse.
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i can totally empathize with what you wrote. i for one, do not answer people right away when theyve said something to me. i need time to think. i could come back weeks, months later with a response finally.
food for thought saggurl88, food for thought
I've always been the type to put myself in someone else's shoes very easily, which is why I'm so damn forgiving of people. I will forgive a lot if I can see it was just an honest mistake. I never take things as a personal attack unless it is done deliberately. I just don't forgive people that do things directly towards me on purpose. I will cut you out forever. I've been told I am pretty heartless when it comes to this. lol Aww well, you can't win them all. smile
Posted by Sutekh

Im not really in a good place, but thats why Im in a good place if you get my drift. Im in a "fckit" place Big Grin

This is me almost everyday!!! lol Not given a damn! But this is a good place for me, no worries!
Posted by saggurl88
I've always been the type to put myself in someone else's shoes very easily, which is why I'm so damn forgiving of people. I will forgive a lot if I can see it was just an honest mistake. I never take things as a personal attack unless it is done deliberately. I just don't forgive people that do things directly towards me on purpose. I will cut you out forever. I've been told I am pretty heartless when it comes to this. lol Aww well, you can't win them all. smile

unfortunately, this isnt an honest mistake. this is a repeat occurrence.
Posted by DMV
Posted by saggurl88
I've always been the type to put myself in someone else's shoes very easily, which is why I'm so damn forgiving of people. I will forgive a lot if I can see it was just an honest mistake. I never take things as a personal attack unless it is done deliberately. I just don't forgive people that do things directly towards me on purpose. I will cut you out forever. I've been told I am pretty heartless when it comes to this. lol Aww well, you can't win them all. smile

unfortunately, this isnt an honest mistake. this is a repeat occurrence.
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Well it does depend on if you are friends with the person or if they are your boyfriend/girlfriend. If it's a relationship, I think it all depends on how emotional the woman is and whether she nags a lot. If she complains about stuff all the time, men can't figure out whether she is being serious or if she's just bitching cause she's in a bad mood. Some men nag too and the same would go for them. The person who feels they are not getting heard has a decision to make, basically they can see that this is the type of personality the other person has. Are you gonna be fine with not being heard and vent to friends or continue trying what doesn't work and be hurt because you think they don't care or understand you. Some people are just bad listeners and don't like emotional situations
Obviously I don't know you, so I'm not saying this is a situation you are in, just giving you more food for thought.
Posted by TAURUSbelle
Posted by DMV
How do you feel when someone doesnt acknowledge your feelings?

I feel "SUPER-SULTED."...getting feelings out of me next time around will be like trying to crack an iron clad nut. LOL. WHAT Emotions??..SHUT DOWN.
THIS + 1000

Posted by Pecheresse
Like slowly killing them

Meat grinder slow?? yup. bwahaha..

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I messed up the quote, but exactly what taurusbelle said..I show vulnerability ONLY once & if I'm ignored or taken for granted, thats it then...LOCKDOWN.
Posted by Ligeia
Posted by DMV
Posted by DeeGee
LIke how?

like if your upset and instead of clamming up and going mute, you actually tell them how they made you feel. the other person just skirts the issue like you never said anything at all.

What you said here reminds me of a convo I had with
my bf and his friends. The Aqua friend basically said
that no one can make you feel anything you chose to
feel what you feel. To that I gave him the WTF face.
Like dude do you really think your own actions don't
affect other people?
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AND THIS! Each person is responsible for their own feelings. I CHOOSE to let things bother me and I expect other people to keep check on themselves & not blame me for feeling like shit. Frankly, I dont care, sort it out yourself.