Water Signs... Your mutual Flaw..

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by GemCurioThe1 on Saturday, November 14, 2020 and has 8 replies.
What’s up Water Signs… As a people watcher I observed a common flaw amongst you as a collective. My goal is to share information to help us all grow as a world community so that our knowledge can be beneficial to others. So, if this resonates with you, I’d greatly appreciate a shout out and honest comments below when this applied in your life. Thanks in advance…

Water Signs, those who are lucky enough to get to know you are so happy with life. You all keep your love ones close and protect them with all your strength. Yet, you all allow things that upset you to bubble underneath the surface for too long. Then with the fury of a monsoon, you all begin to destroy and demean everything about relationships and people who genuinely care about, and we people are not even sure why because the incident had long passed.

If we are part of your life, know that we care to be there. You need to say what’s on your mind as early as possible. No one can stand whenever you’re angry at us, and we can’t figure out how to fix what’s bothering you because you Water Signs have allowed it to be deeply engrained inside of you by not speaking up. Those of us in your lives NEED to know what you think and how you feel. Know that’s it’s more important to us than it is to you because we genuinely adore you. The emotions and vexations you keep inside, however are a puzzle that not even the most intelligent of us can figure out. So, please stop leaving those who love you out to dry…

Comments are welcome below…

No...I'm very out with my emotions and don't destroy relationships..
Trying to bottle anything up is pretty impossible as an Aries moon 🤷‍♀️
Posted by GemCurioThe1

What’s up Water Signs… As a people watcher I observed a common flaw amongst you as a collective. My goal is to share information to help us all grow as a world community so that our knowledge can be beneficial to others...

Let's be straight, you're not sharing "knowledge", merely your opinion based on observations that are biased as all observations are.

Posted by GemCurioThe1

Water Signs, those who are lucky enough to get to know you are so happy with life. You all keep your love ones close and protect them with all your strength. Yet, you all allow things that upset you to bubble underneath the surface for too long. Then with the fury of a monsoon, you all begin to destroy and demean everything about relationships and people who genuinely care about, and we people are not even sure why because the incident had long passed.
click to expand

This is a poor generalization that lacks context. Depending on the specs, level of maturity and experience said water signs have shown to react quite the opposite from what you've just described.

Posted by GemCurioThe1

...Those of us in your lives NEED to know what you think and how you feel. Know that’s it’s more important to us than it is to you because we genuinely adore you. The emotions and vexations you keep inside, however are a puzzle that not even the most intelligent of us can figure out. So, please stop leaving those who love you out to dry…

Hmph. So if I understanding this correctly based on what you've written above, this isn't about "helping us grow as a community", as much as this is about everyone else that water signs supposedly leave "out to dry". Okay.

With that out of the way, I can't relate to much of what you've written except for the part about keeping my feelings to myself, namely anger. I do this because words spoken can not be unheard; they have the ability to destroy or heal, so I choose my words being mindful of this. I need time to determine if my anger is reasonable or riddled with baggage--that has absolutely nothing to do with the other person if it's the latter. That is for me to determine, not you. Personally, I don't think it's a sign of good health (self or relationship) to react to every emotion that someone else triggers in you for the sake of "being open" or "closeness" or whatever we want to call it. I also know myself quite well, been stuck with myself for a number of years. I learned at quite a young age that my anger does a lot of damage when unchecked and that wasn't because I sat on it and let it "bubble underneath the surface for too long". Actually, it was quite the opposite.

If we have an issue and I speak on it, trust it is to address it in an effort to move forward, not to "destroy" or "demean everything about relationships and people that care about me". If I don't speak on it, that is because it's an issue for me to work on and grow from. That, or I'm past giving a f*ck because the situation and/or you aren't that important.

On the rare occasion that I do say something that "destroys" you or the relationship, know good and well it's because I have absolutely no intention to fix or resolve anything with that person past that point. So let that mothaf*ckin' bridge burn.
I'm curious to know what inspired this PSA on how the elements should live their lives...
Posted by dillweed
Posted by PhoenixRising

I'm curious to know what inspired this PSA on how the elements should live their lives...

he’s a virgo.
click to expand

So he's never in the wrong then 😀
Posted by dillweed
Posted by PhoenixRising

I'm curious to know what inspired this PSA on how the elements should live their lives...

he’s a virgo.
click to expand

Hmph. I picked up the OP may be an Earth sign given the Earth sign thread used the words "we" and "us", but I wasn't sure which one.

I noticed all of the other three elements were written from a very "this is what is wrong with y'all" while the Earth thread was very "this is why we shouldn't waste our time on others". Make Earth Great Again!