Were you aware of the transits/progressions of the day when you met your lover/crush?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by ingstad on Monday, May 2, 2016 and has 21 replies.
We all know that there are some transits/progressions that can indicate a new relationship or a fated meeting (ex: Progressed Venus conjunct n.Sun, transit NN conjunct n.Venus, transit Vertex conjunct DSC,transit Jupiter in 5th house,transit Karma conjunct n.Venus etc.). However,we are told that you will find someone special when you least expect it (so that means you shouldn't calculate the transits because you will know the approximate date you will meet him/her).

Did predict the day you met your lover/crush (using Astrology tools) or did it happen all of a sudden when you were completely unaware of the transits,progressions,Solaar return aspects etc?
That's impossible to know that. How did you know?
I'm curious too.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
That's impossible to know that. How did you know?

Who says I know? I am asking this because there are lots of people who ask "Will I meet someone special this year?" or "Will I start a new relationship during this transit?". I wanted to know if someone actually met someone special on the day they believed they would (according to Astrology).
So I am asking you if how and when did it happen to you, or help others too? What's your advice.
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
So I am asking you if how and when did it happen to you, or help others too? What's your advice.

Nothing happened to me. Last year I had a lot of transits and Solar return aspects that were favorable for meeting someone special,but nothing happened,although I hoped for something to happen (without being desperate. I'm not that type). I met my ex-crush that emotionally disturbed me during some transits that had nothing to do with love,attraction or obsession. Right now I am too emotionally hurt to even care about attraction or flirts. I hope I will never develop a crush on someone again.

I have no advice,sorry Sad

I want to know... June 2009 transits!
It's cool doll. Okay I know that good people like yourself, does want something eventually that doesn't whole heartedly pertain to astrology. You answered my question that I was going to ask next so now.

Please don't hesitate to live and learn from others, talk to @Starlover, @Truefantasy. I believe it has to do with that individual and character. And the wrong person we can't help liking someone and we have to be strong and know it is truly when you don't look for it.
Posted by RumiL

I want to know... June 2009 transits!

I will calculate them for you. I need:
your birthday + exact birth time
place of birth
Posted by FirstDecanTaurianWomen0428
It's cool doll. Okay I know that good people like yourself, does want something eventually that doesn't whole heartedly pertain to astrology. You answered my question that I was going to ask next so now.

Please don't hesitate to live and learn from others, talk to @Starlover, @Truefantasy. I believe it has to do with that individual and character. And the wrong person we can't help liking someone and we have to be strong and know it is truly when you don't look for it.

Who are they? I might try asking,but why do you recommend them?
Posted by ingstad
Posted by RumiL

I want to know... June 2009 transits!

I will calculate them for you. I need:
your birthday + exact birth time
place of birth
click to expand

It's...okay. Let it be...

Thankyou very much!! smile
And guys are douche and never fully understand things like we mature people do. So be picky but not overly. Start casually just going out to do things, and trust you feel that gut feeling and it maybe right there and then and shortly later red flags hit.. so be aware of red flags too early in.

Good luck.
They know about transits better. I do have my own views about astrology and how I was taught that's not my thing other things perhaps, but not transit and progressed.

Take care.
Posted by RumiL
Posted by ingstad
Posted by RumiL

I want to know... June 2009 transits!

I will calculate them for you. I need:
your birthday + exact birth time
place of birth

It's...okay. Let it be...

Thankyou very much!! smile
click to expand

If you don't trust me,you can google a transit or progressed chart. They're free.
It's the past though.
Posted by blackphase
I am interested in August / September 2014 Transits. How do I find out?

astrologyonline.eu > Your Transit Chart (don't use Firefox)
serennu.com for asteroids

Mind posting your Transit Chart here? smile I'm just curious
Posted by blackphase
Shit.. well that didn't really tell me anything.. I can't read it Sad

Also.. I don't know an exact date or time to accurately calculate.

Screenshot it and I will read it. If you don't know the exact date,try a progressed chart or a Solar Return chart (you can find it on the same website)
Posted by someoneeee
I also can't read the transits.
Can you please do it for me smile

I don't remember the exact time, but the date is correct.
User Submitted Image

I don't know if this is the date when you officially started dating or when you met him. I guess it's when you met him. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Transit Venus conjunct n. Mars - that's a classic.I've read it shows up in a lot of people's charts when they find someone they are attracted to.
Transit Uranus conjunct n.Venus - You met him totally unexpectedly or he is of foreign origins or you met during a trip,flight etc.
Transit Venus in 11th house - Were you friends at first? Did you meet through a friend? Is your relationship rather friendly than cheesy-romantic?
Transit Neptune in 5th house could indicate a period of foggy emotions. I'm not so sure about this transit.

OMG, that's pretty accurate. Thanks!!! smile

I never actually dated him, he was my crush, I still sometimes think about him. This was the day we met, yes.
Transit Venus conjunct n. Mars - Yes, I was attracted to him. He stood out from the crowd for me.
Transit Uranus conjunct n.Venus - We met in a foreign country (we both studied there/were coursemates).
Transit Venus in 11th house - Yes, we kind of met through a friend/acquaintance. And our relationship was rather friendly.
Transit Neptune in 5th house - I don't know what you mean by foggy emotions. I can say that during first months I was kind of confused about him. I liked him and didn't like him at the same time.

Yay for my Astrology skills Big Grin This is what I meant by "foggy emotions". Do you have a date when you stopped having a crush on him or did it fade gradually?
No I didn't even know about astrology then. I've done extensive research since, & I met him during a Venus Rx.
yes. i look at my transits every day. i havent done first meeting chart tho.