what brings out your insecurities?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by lovely77 on Tuesday, March 29, 2016 and has 6 replies.
What can you do to help yourself become better, and not be insecure.
Some may not have any but we all have been there before.
My Leo friend is insecure and I don't know how to help except to boost him up with genuine points of course...keep pointing out his positive traits instead of negatives...maybe we should all do this for ourselves! smile We tend to ignore what we do right and our minds focus on what we think we do wrong.
Posted by wednesdayschild
My Leo friend is insecure and I don't know how to help except to boost him up with genuine points of course...keep pointing out his positive traits instead of negatives...maybe we should all do this for ourselves! smile We tend to ignore what we do right and our minds focus on what we think we do wrong.

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Silence, it freaks me out.

I get paranoid, assume the worst, blow up and then I have a problem solely made by my own insecurities when the other person said literally nothing.
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User Submitted Image Doubt creeps in.

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But really mean it!

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But if all else fails:
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