So Taureans, any of you are dating another taurus? mind to share how the relationship is like? married? dating? engaged? are both very stubborn? age doesnt matter right? hahah
I have known one leo guy for more than twenty years and he still manages to surprise me with new ways of being awsome. And then there is this other leo guy that I've known for seven years who does the same. And then there is this leo girl who I've known f
I'm an Aries woman 24 year old and 1st Decan. Honestly men either tell me that I scare them or even when they tell me they aren't scared of me they're still scared. It's like I can smell their fear. They can't even look me in the eyes for too long. Are Ar
Post your favorites here. We're pretty diverse in the music department. Dr. Milo Aukerman (Lead vocalist of the Descendents)- John Paul Johns (former bassist of Led Zeppelin)- https
So I my quest to think of games we play in real life and can be adapted on forums..I thought of this one. It can be played with any number of people. Sign up if you want and I'll see how many want to play within the hour or sooner than that if we re
Anyone have any great suggestions? Especially for someone who has an insane sweet tooth. I went shopping a couple weeks ago, thinking I would get healthy stuff and it would satisfy my cravings/munchies, but I was highly disappointed. :( Someone told m
Well, obviously Taurus men have a reputation when it comes to "ignoring people" ..I am experiencing this first hand I am a Taurus Sun, Virgo moon, Aries Venus and Leo Mars with Aquarius ascendant.. I have known and "cyber-crushed" over a guy that I fol
How old are you in Gemini years? Lol I just feel like there should be such a thing because you guys are so child like. If you are or know older Gemini, at what age did they slow or settle down?