What makes this work?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by lildol on Tuesday, November 12, 2013 and has 5 replies.
I've never seen a synastry chart with so few aspects, and those that do exist are all hard.
This is a friendship, not romantic btw.

Communication? Sun-Mercury wide orb DW.
Soothing? Chiron-Moon.
Ok, Astrotheme uses a wider orb and has both our Suns/Mercs conjunct. In reading up on this, what you said makes sense. We communicate with ease, almost seamlessly as it should be per the description I read.
The same would hold true for our Chiron and Moons, harmonious aspects are said to create a comforting and nurturing relationship. Which it is.
Spot on Undine Winking
I'll have to examine the other aspects that Astrotheme highlights.
I think squares in a friendship specifically are a good thing. Pushing toward growth and acceptance. Same aun and Asc gives a natural understanding of each other, and your mars' conjunct further keeping you in tune.
friendship synastry is very intriguing to see what works in a more expansive mindset.
agree with undine communications and there must be a transformative element involved in the friendship? a lot of breakdown and growth?
I have nothing valuable to contribute to this discussion so here is a picture of Wally being his usual friendly self.