What sign did you find to be the nost difficult to have a romantic relationship with?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by HopefullyIrememberthisone on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 and has 12 replies.
For me it was Taurus, soooo much tension like 90% of the time, it was good for sex but other than that very draining

How about you?

All 12.
For me it was cancer, I was involved with two and both were/are so insecure about their feelings and relationships with so many up and downs... so exhausting
Posted by HopefullyIrememberthisone
For me it was Taurus, soooo much tension like 90% of the time, it was good for sex but other than that very draining

How about you?

That's because you're not compatible with them according to your birth chart (hint, HINT!) Winking

For me it was SAGGY (yeah, again, according to my birth chart major BLAH! Angry

User Submitted Image TAURUS (man) and PISCEAN (woman) "Save a horse ride a cowboy!"

Hug Cyber hugs!



It was the Leo sun Libra moon I dated last year. The times were super fun, and the conversations great lasting hours, but no romantic wants for me whatsoever. I could tell she likely wanted it a few times, but I unfortunately don't work that way. I need those little clues and go signs or I won't make a move due to perhaps insecurity and the fear of awkward situations. Women don't even have to make the first move, they just have to position themselves right with body language and specific words that will 100% unleash my dominate side. The Caps and Aries I've dated had this potential. After that I have no issue taking full control, or even share control. I just have too many thoughts and scenarios running through my head before the romance happens.
Aquarius, just no...no pulse!
Posted by Scorpio123
Posted by Jules-ll
Aquarius, just no...no pulse!
I'm with you there! Dead inside isn't even enough to describe them.
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Grew up in a house with 3 of them, both my parents and one of my sisters plus a Leeb brother. My Pisces sister and I always say we're so glad we're not like them!

For me, I think it would be Pisces. Hippies of the zodiac man. While I think the sex would be amazing with one; the dreaminess, idealistic approach to life, and emotional sensitivity will clash with some of my deepest ingrained personality traits. I just see the entire relationship with one being on thin ice even though I know we would have a lot of fun.
In my experience, Pisces because they play too much mind games. They first tell you one thing and then you ask to reassure and they say another thing. Totally confusing!! I like mystery but if I'm asking you something just go to the point.
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by Jules-ll
Posted by Scorpio123
Posted by Jules-ll
Aquarius, just no...no pulse!
I'm with you there! Dead inside isn't even enough to describe them.

Grew up in a house with 3 of them, both my parents and one of my sisters plus a Leeb brother. My Pisces sister and I always say we're so glad we're not like them!

Their moons?
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Dad is aries, mom is leo, sister is pisces and brother is taurus moon. Interesting household to grow up in...

I would have to say a Capricorn male. If it's a fully evolved, mature one that won't pull the MIA pussy move on me then come at me, other than that, it's a no-no for me.
Virgo with aqua moon