Hello, members! I'm going to try and keep this short... We've been "dating" (going to use this term loosely because I have no idea where we stand!!!) for about two years now and it's "serious." But since the start it's been push and pull. I'm definitely typical of my sign, Pisces (dreamy, shy, sensitive, emotional, affectionate, very caring etc.), and once I'm comfortable with someone and very into them, I'm 100% all in. It's either in or out for me, I need to know where I stand and I'm very upfront when need be. He doesn't reveal much, and will go from all in to then disappear and ignore me, or that he's too busy to interact with me in a span of what feels like seconds. He works a lot (we're both young and building) and I've always been supportive; encouraging him, believing in him, listening to his problems/insecurities, etc. I want the best for him and try to keep a respectful amount of distance, but should relationships be this difficult?
Since the start I've initiated everything. I feel obligated to because if it was his way, he would only reach out about every 10+ years haha. First I was more gung-ho and would reach out every few days but then he started pushing away from me by ignoring me and cancelling our plans, which further ended in him abruptly ending our relationship through text, that felt rehearsed and couldn't even face me at least on the phone (saying it was too much) after just telling me he loved me a year in. After that, I definitely thought it was my fault and that I had done too much.
He's a structured/reserved person (definitely cold exterior), but from the start I've seen his soft side no matter how hard he tries to hide! Taking care of me when I'm sick, giving me advice, strong/silent emotional support, occasional passionate affection; He makes me feel safe and I just can't stay away from him. We both have qualities that benefit each other. He's very shy and can be insecure, but it makes him all the more sweeter lol (savior/mother complex kicking in *eye roll*). He does do nice and loving things, but they're rare and sparingly. I would never intentionally hurt him or betray him and I can literally only stay angry at him for only a few hours lol, but he's so frustrating sometimes!!
We just got back on terms a year later (he came back and we didn't speak the entire time in between) and says he still loves me and wants to be with me but due to the break he called, I'm very hesitant and scared (which I've told him). He was surprised I forgave him so quickly and easily. I love/respect him so much (as though our souls are one, it's honestly that deep) and want to be together but also said I need to see effort (he agreed saying he'll prove it to me he's serious). ...He still has yet to show me two months later. I still initiate (only once every 1-2 weeks) and he's gotten better about not ignoring me, but we haven't actually stated what/where we are annnnnnd back to "too busy to talk to you."
What are the right approaches when dating capricorn men? Am I expecting too much/being too sensitive? Haha I'm really confused and this is definitely my most challenging relationship but I'm willing to try and work at it for as long as we both want to be together. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE xox
Hmm... for some reason my main message isn't showing?
But funny you mention that! I have close Cap family members whose past partners were Pisces. They're either good friends now or sworn enemies. It's a love/hate.. ironic for our opposite personalities.
My first true love is a cap and I am a Pisces .. We were high school sweethearts snd was together for 5 years and than he ended up going away for 5 years and since than I had been in a serious relationship if 3 in which is serious for me . But over all I never got over him and he still this day hasn't gotten over me .. The thing with caps is that time is so meaningful to them and if he invest a certain amount of time in you than that means something there .. Even tho I'm in a different relationship I never felt the connection that I felt with my cap with anyone else. The truth way to a caps heart I believe is to be true and to laugh .. I know caps have a hard cold exterior but if you can break it down with trust and comfort and make them laugh and smile than its a sure way to win his heart ..