Posted by yupvirgoo
getting cheated on
my wife wanting divorce
something bad happening to my sons
Posted by sagsagsagomgosh that sounds like a scary movie!!!!
losing the ones I love
seeing people I love bleed heavily or scream in pain
Posted by AdmiraIlolPosted by lisabethur8Both are equally horrendous.
dying alone??
having no children?
having TOO many children?
Being poor?
Being in large amounts of Debt?
Getting cheated on?
Finding out that you have a gambling problem or drinking problem??
ending up with a man/woman who doesn't appreciate you?
having to lose all your hair??
name lists that SCARE the hell out of you...
dying young? Death by train, car, or helicopter??
going to Africa in the forests and going on a hunt and you get chased by a lion or cheetah??
getting cancer, the disease??
just these give me anxiety..
some of these say....."being forgotten"
"dying a slow torturous death"
"losing who you love"
oh gosh those are greatest fears!!!
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Posted by AdmiraIthat is terrible. Yeah you don't know if you're gonna get cancer, or a disease that's NOT curable.Posted by yupvirgooOn one hand a terrifying, life ruining disease thing that destroys you and on the other side cancer.Posted by AdmiraIlmaoPosted by lisabethur8Both are equally horrendous.
dying alone??
having no children?
having TOO many children?
Being poor?
Being in large amounts of Debt?
Getting cheated on?
Finding out that you have a gambling problem or drinking problem??
ending up with a man/woman who doesn't appreciate you?
having to lose all your hair??
name lists that SCARE the hell out of you...
dying young? Death by train, car, or helicopter??
going to Africa in the forests and going on a hunt and you get chased by a lion or cheetah??
getting cancer, the disease??
just these give me anxiety..
some of these say....."being forgotten"
"dying a slow torturous death"
"losing who you love"
oh gosh those are greatest fears!!!
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Posted by lisabethur8Probably getting teased since I'm going to get metal braces at 35 going to be 36. Not looking forward to it.
dying alone??
having no children?
having TOO many children?
Being poor?
Being in large amounts of Debt?
Getting cheated on?
Finding out that you have a gambling problem or drinking problem??
ending up with a man/woman who doesn't appreciate you?
having to lose all your hair??
name lists that SCARE the hell out of you...
dying young? Death by train, car, or helicopter??
going to Africa in the forests and going on a hunt and you get chased by a lion or cheetah??
getting cancer, the disease??
just these give me anxiety..
some of these say....."being forgotten"
"dying a slow torturous death"
"losing who you love"
oh gosh those are greatest fears!!!
Posted by yupvirgooPosted by lisabethur8I do only get this anxiety about it when I hear horror stories of infidelity that other people like telling you especially when you're married lol.Posted by yupvirgoo
getting cheated on
my wife wanting divorce
something bad happening to my sons
for some reason I don't have those fears about being cheated on. I was in the past with my first ex, but I don't know why it never brought any more fears....after the first ex.
something bad happening to my children I would have great fears. When they are out there in the world, I have NO control...
because they could get into car accidents, someone could beat them up, get hurt, I get really scared out there but I have to be courageous to know they are gonna be OK, and that they make good choices and follow their intuition.
because your children are SEPARATE from you, when they are not around you, you don't know if when they go out to college and far away, or travel, you just gotta TRUST in the universe that they are protected you know?
As for my kids yeah, I just have to trust the universe that they will be to expand
Posted by HarleyTwinFlameyou sound like me, lol
Hmmm... things that worry me concerning my future
-not getting married
-not having at least 3 kids
-not being a housewife... meaning id like the luxury to stay at home and raise my kids only choosing to work for extra money not because I need to... yes I am lazy. I hate work!!!
-losing teeth and having to wear dentures
-getting robbed
Posted by blackphasewow - sorry that is horrible ... sounds like you may do with a past life regression session to see if that is where this is coming from and hopefully putting some of that behind you ...
Being stabbed..
It's a really irrational fear, but it's one I have had as long as I can remember and it really takes it's toll on my mind. I get paranoid about it and it's really dumb.
Posted by lisabethur8Posted by HarleyTwinFlameyou sound like me, lol
Hmmm... things that worry me concerning my future
-not getting married
-not having at least 3 kids
-not being a housewife... meaning id like the luxury to stay at home and raise my kids only choosing to work for extra money not because I need to... yes I am lazy. I hate work!!!
-losing teeth and having to wear dentures
-getting robbed
I love my lazy life. but I also feel like I need to stimulate myself and also do work, so I need BALANCE.
hope you find a good, single man who will want commitment and take care of you!!!click to expand
Posted by blackphaseI don't know but check into it - @yupvirgo got one - had a nice thread about it ... research and get someone good if you're paying for it ... sounds like that might "help" with your fear - and also do you carry "protection" ? a handgun perhaps or just mace ? something so you allay your fears a bit if you do have a bit of protection ...Posted by tctaI often wonder if that is where the fear comes from.. As it doesn't really make sense for me to fear this as much as I do.. but it almost runs my life. I am scared to be home alone or go anywhere alone at night. I can't get in my car without checking the back seats.. it's just dumb. Where could I get a past life regression reading? :/Posted by blackphasewow - sorry that is horrible ... sounds like you may do with a past life regression session to see if that is where this is coming from and hopefully putting some of that behind you ...
Being stabbed..
It's a really irrational fear, but it's one I have had as long as I can remember and it really takes it's toll on my mind. I get paranoid about it and it's really to expand
Posted by blackphasewow interesting that having a black belt doesn't help you feel more comfortable - what is it in ? may I ask ?Posted by tcta@yupvirgo.. where did you get yours at?Posted by blackphaseI don't know but check into it - @yupvirgo got one - had a nice thread about it ... research and get someone good if you're paying for it ... sounds like that might "help" with your fear - and also do you carry "protection" ? a handgun perhaps or just mace ? something so you allay your fears a bit if you do have a bit of protection ...Posted by tctaI often wonder if that is where the fear comes from.. As it doesn't really make sense for me to fear this as much as I do.. but it almost runs my life. I am scared to be home alone or go anywhere alone at night. I can't get in my car without checking the back seats.. it's just dumb. Where could I get a past life regression reading? :/Posted by blackphasewow - sorry that is horrible ... sounds like you may do with a past life regression session to see if that is where this is coming from and hopefully putting some of that behind you ...
Being stabbed..
It's a really irrational fear, but it's one I have had as long as I can remember and it really takes it's toll on my mind. I get paranoid about it and it's really dumb.![]()
And, no I do not carry protection aside from crystals and stones I wear. I have a black belt even but that doesn't help my to expand
Posted by blackphasethat's so weird.
Being stabbed..
It's a really irrational fear, but it's one I have had as long as I can remember and it really takes it's toll on my mind. I get paranoid about it and it's really dumb.
Posted by Piscis_Hominislol
revealing my greatest fear
Posted by earlorg16
the extinction of the human race due to our careless treatment of the environment. and i'm not talking about us destroying earth at all because earth is gonna live on regardless of human activity. i'm more concerned about us warming the planet up to the point where humans will be eradicated from our overuse of natural resources and non-sustainable living habits. ice caps melting, thus leading to rising sea levels, on top of drought and famine which leads to war. look at what's happening in syria as an example. we aren't gonna last long on earth at the rate we're heading towards, and a backwards american govt leading the way and not making any changes by refusing science. i can't even imagine the sort of environment our younger generations are going to be living in from here on out. it makes me NOT wanna have any kids.
Posted by HarleyTwinFlameyou're double libra leo mars with scorpio venus right?Posted by lisabethur8Posted by HarleyTwinFlameyou sound like me, lol
Hmmm... things that worry me concerning my future
-not getting married
-not having at least 3 kids
-not being a housewife... meaning id like the luxury to stay at home and raise my kids only choosing to work for extra money not because I need to... yes I am lazy. I hate work!!!
-losing teeth and having to wear dentures
-getting robbed
I love my lazy life. but I also feel like I need to stimulate myself and also do work, so I need BALANCE.
hope you find a good, single man who will want commitment and take care of you!!!me too!
I do wish to start my own business and open a yoga studio in the future. But I'd be my own boss then and set my own hours!
Plus my childhood was spent raised by my mom.. not that there's anything wrong with day cares and stuff, just if i have the choice not to that would to expand
Posted by nikkistarthat is a very very common fear, acrophobia or something.
I am not afraid of much, but I have an irrational fear of spiders. They have made me cry when surprised by them. They freak me the fuck out.
I also get anxiety when the people I am closest too are not reachable by phone. My mind goes a little crazy until I know they are safe.
Posted by lisabethur8Thanks for sharing this! Will give it a watch.Posted by earlorg16
the extinction of the human race due to our careless treatment of the environment. and i'm not talking about us destroying earth at all because earth is gonna live on regardless of human activity. i'm more concerned about us warming the planet up to the point where humans will be eradicated from our overuse of natural resources and non-sustainable living habits. ice caps melting, thus leading to rising sea levels, on top of drought and famine which leads to war. look at what's happening in syria as an example. we aren't gonna last long on earth at the rate we're heading towards, and a backwards american govt leading the way and not making any changes by refusing science. i can't even imagine the sort of environment our younger generations are going to be living in from here on out. it makes me NOT wanna have any kids.
I don't know why i'm so attracted to apocalypse films or zombie type of stories, maybe because I know how horribly tihngs can go wrong with experiments when humans make experiments for the good of mankind..when it's not really the good of...
not clear on what happned to here...
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Posted by Harukkawhat are you doing to make you think this? do you feel worthless?
Being worthless.
I can live with anything, but this.
Posted by lisabethur8Yea, that's exactly what I am talking about. My mom likes to disappear a lot, and it drives me nuts. lolPosted by nikkistarthat is a very very common fear, acrophobia or something.
I am not afraid of much, but I have an irrational fear of spiders. They have made me cry when surprised by them. They freak me the fuck out.
I also get anxiety when the people I am closest too are not reachable by phone. My mind goes a little crazy until I know they are safe.
oh my god i'can't stand that one, where a family member visits somewhere far, and we can't a hold of them when they are normally very vigilent of making contact daily or to expand
Posted by celticlionessaw. ((hugs)) I hope there is someone who loves him, caring for him when you leave.
I used to think I had fears but they pale now in comparison to:
Dying before my son, he is intellectually and physically disabled and won't ever be able to care for himself - my death will leave him in the care of others who may not care enough. It haunts me daily.
Posted by lisabethur8I am scared of caterpillars and millipedes. And I have fear of abandonment.
dying alone??
having no children?
having TOO many children?
Being poor?
Being in large amounts of Debt?
Getting cheated on?
Finding out that you have a gambling problem or drinking problem??
ending up with a man/woman who doesn't appreciate you?
having to lose all your hair??
name lists that SCARE the hell out of you...
dying young? Death by train, car, or helicopter??
going to Africa in the forests and going on a hunt and you get chased by a lion or cheetah??
getting cancer, the disease??
just these give me anxiety..
some of these say....."being forgotten"
"dying a slow torturous death"
"losing who you love"
oh gosh those are greatest fears!!!
Posted by Vageenkathat's something i'm not afraid of either, the afterlife.
A family member that I love dying and not knowing how they are, were they are or anything. The after life scares the crap out of me. I don't know how I would be able to live knowing that someone I love passed away and don't know if they're OK. I fricking despise how mysterious this stupid world is. I hate the unknown.
Posted by VageenkaPosted by lisabethur8Posted by Vageenkathat's something i'm not afraid of either, the afterlife.
A family member that I love dying and not knowing how they are, were they are or anything. The after life scares the crap out of me. I don't know how I would be able to live knowing that someone I love passed away and don't know if they're OK. I fricking despise how mysterious this stupid world is. I hate the unknown.
I don't know why... I kind of understand the "veil" thing, and going to the beyond.
I think of the afterlife as a place where all the beautiful things that happened to you in this world and the people that love you are waiting for you over there!!
its like coming home.
Ugh, I wish I had that wonderful, beautiful mindset. It would have saved me a lot of stress and depression in my childhood!
Thankfully I'm OK with it now. But when someone I love dies I know I'll be a miserable wreck for years!click to expand
Posted by Nenowho is dying? :/
fear of someone dying in family and wasting my life like i do now(wasting it and cant do anything about it)
Posted by lisabethur8nobody is dying but i have a fear someone might die in family?Posted by Nenowho is dying? :/
fear of someone dying in family and wasting my life like i do now(wasting it and cant do anything about it)click to expand
Posted by Seraphlightlol he's such a proud daddy. being famous, he knows people are gonna wanna see and embrace the joy with him.
Having children and then not wanting them. Not having children and then regretting it.
I SWEAR ...i wish i could know....I took my mates kids for a whole day was lovely but like a day out I took them to the park...not normal getting ready in the morning shit...
What if it didn't suit me? What If i wanted to be crabby??
What if I was with some lump of a man who kept singing frozen when I was in labour??
On the other hand ..what if I REALLY regretted it after menopause..sometimes I see babies and I am just like OMG you are SO fucking amazing. But you are so amazing I hope your mommy is amazing enough for you.
I would want to teach my kids art them find their spirit animals...
But you can't take a day off....
And it's so hard..really real mom's are human...flawed and have mommy guilt to deal with...and mommy guilt is no fun..
Posted by lisabethur8Lol she does have a leo mars ego thing going onPosted by HarleyTwinFlameyou're double libra leo mars with scorpio venus right?Posted by lisabethur8Posted by HarleyTwinFlameyou sound like me, lol
Hmmm... things that worry me concerning my future
-not getting married
-not having at least 3 kids
-not being a housewife... meaning id like the luxury to stay at home and raise my kids only choosing to work for extra money not because I need to... yes I am lazy. I hate work!!!
-losing teeth and having to wear dentures
-getting robbed
I love my lazy life. but I also feel like I need to stimulate myself and also do work, so I need BALANCE.
hope you find a good, single man who will want commitment and take care of you!!!me too!
I do wish to start my own business and open a yoga studio in the future. But I'd be my own boss then and set my own hours!
Plus my childhood was spent raised by my mom.. not that there's anything wrong with day cares and stuff, just if i have the choice not to that would sweet.
I know a double libra with libra venus scorpio mars (our aunty), don't know her rising.... and she is the breadwinner. Her husband also makes good money but more helped brought up the children and responsibility. But her work is more social work which makes really good money. and he also worked in that field with her, so it's like a SHARED working partnership too, with him doing the weight of the children raising and cooking, cleaning. He is Pisces sun/Aqua venus/Aries mars/Taurus moon. He does a lot of physical work, too, and rides motorcyles and has plenty of leisure time too, now that the children are grown.
having to open a yoga store sounds awesome though. you would remind me of this lady. lol
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