When A Narcissist Says “I Love You”

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Queenofthepheasantfairies on Wednesday, October 25, 2017 and has 8 replies.
Dear Partner;

I’m going to say something I’d never say or admit to you.

I love the things you do for me. I love the power you give to me to take advantage of your kindness by exploiting your good intentions. To make you feel worse makes me feel better. I love making you feel and insignificant.

I love the fact that your life is all about me. You fix my problems, solve my issues, relieve my pain. I love how you take all your time for me, not for yourself. How you give attention to me only.

I love making you doubt yourself and question your own sanity. You don’t know what is right or what is real unless I tell you.

“I love you” means I need you because I need someone who won’t abandon me. I need someone that I can use as a punching bag. Someone who will make me feel good.

I love how my expectations of you constantly rising, while the ones you have for me gradually decline. I love the look of failure and disappointment at your face.

When I say “I love you”, I am referring to the love of hatred for you. I love myself vicariously through the love you feel towards me. And I need you to suffer because I hate having to rely on you for this.

I love how my happiness is your responsibility. I love how I feel when you’re around me. How I can turn myself into the victim when you try to bring up one of my many personality flaws or harmful behaviors.

I love how I make you feel horrible when you mention something I did that hurt you. How you won’t leave me because you are hooked on this toxic relationship.

I love how you support me and how I never need to support you. Why would I even do that? The things you will never get keep you with me.

I love how you think you are with a person who loves you. But I’m a person who shows love and affection as a manipulation tool.

I love how you need me and how you think you’re with the right person. How I made you feel unworthy and insignificant.

You need to know I will use hurtful words and manipulative tactics under the guise of love. You will never change me.

We both know this isn’t real. We should both know.


Your Narcissist.
Love this.
"You need to know I will use hurtful words and manipulative tactics under the guise of love. You will never change me."

sounds awful!! Sad

Posted by lisabethur8
"You need to know I will use hurtful words and manipulative tactics under the guise of love. You will never change me."

sounds awful!! Sad

This takes a peek in the mind of a narcissist so it's meant to be awful.
Posted by Ram416
Posted by lisabethur8
"You need to know I will use hurtful words and manipulative tactics under the guise of love. You will never change me."

sounds awful!! Sad

This takes a peek in the mind of a narcissist so it's meant to be awful.
click to expand
i found a link for types of narcissists under each zodiac sign!!


This is a letter written from the perspective of the narcissist to another blogger who blogged about: https://thinkaloud.net/index.php/2017/10/01/every-time-see-fall-love-even/

It was a really good read and I think there is a message there that we all deserve to be loved but equally.

Don't sell yourself short.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Ram416
Posted by lisabethur8
"You need to know I will use hurtful words and manipulative tactics under the guise of love. You will never change me."

sounds awful!! Sad

This takes a peek in the mind of a narcissist so it's meant to be awful.
i found a link for types of narcissists under each zodiac sign!!


click to expand
That was so good to read! Thank you for sharing that link. So much of that rings true imho

Posted by Terramine
The funny thing is, Melody was the narcissist. Yet everybody here thinks, I'm a narcissist and "how could any woman love you!?"

This post basically captures how she was to me, perfectly. To a T.
If you think this sumbitch is full of shit, gimme a HELL YEAH!!

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