Who's better for a Cap?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by RedCap? on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 10 replies.
Who's better for a female Cap? An Aries male or an Aquarius Male?
Just curious!
Neither are particularly well aspected for a Female Cap
Hope that helps smile
Obviously everybody would say earth and water signs but i have seen many capricorn and libra,capricorn and gemini,capricorn and Leo working great.idk
yup. caps and leos were meant for each other. at least male caps and female leos anyway. *drools*
I have seen A LOT of Libra (man) and Capricorns (woman) ....not necessairly the best match but they seem to end up together. I think the pair is too ignited with so much fighting. I have also seen Leo (man) and Capricorn (woman). Again not the best pairing ...but they end up together.
Yep a cap girl I know has ended up with a libra male..they've been friends for ages..I think earth signs in general love to be flattered and to be with someone who openly dotes on them...I am not sure if Aqua is such a good idea but depends on other placements in the chart..
I see a lot of Fire signs with water..I don't know what is best matched to Air in all honest...
based on sun sign alone neither fits really.
Aries and Cappy would both want to be in control and there'd be too many fights about control.
Aqua is very modern and thinks outside the box whereas Cappy is traditional and stuck in its ways. Aqua would feel restricted, cappy would feel uncomfortable.
But of course there's more to it than sun signs. You should work out the whole antal chart and then compre them.
Best for a female cap-Pisces male. For real. And they're right in between so it's like getting a bit of both Aqua and Aries!

One of my longest relationship was with a Libra. Sure we fought a lot but he would come to understand a cap's rationale. Furthermore, in this relationship, cappy usually wears the pants. Libra was just happy to come along. However, Libra did something which I couldnt forget, in the end, I couldnt take it anymore. well in anycase, was still a good relationship while it lasted
aries. cap women usually like a man who'll boss them around a bit and treat her like a little lady. aquarians are usually too distant and busy. it can be attractive for a while, but caps need more attention than that.