Who's the most stubborn sign of the zodiac? and why?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by saweetz1988 on Saturday, October 7, 2017 and has 36 replies.
I'm very curious Winking bring on the debate!
Depends on subject and how they choose to show it.

Fixed earth
Aquas were the most stubborn of all that I have met.
Posted by Ravishing
Taurus BY FAR.

And it's not even like "umgz stereotypical Taurus stubborn" but yes. I have a lot of Taurus family members. These people are stubborn asf once they've made up their mind.
I find them easy going.
Posted by Ravishing
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by Ravishing
Taurus BY FAR.

And it's not even like "umgz stereotypical Taurus stubborn" but yes. I have a lot of Taurus family members. These people are stubborn asf once they've made up their mind.
I find them easy going.

They are. Most of them are not bossy, let you do your own thing but once they've made their minds up about something they will never budge.
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Ah ....got ya ..i usually don't try to change people's minds really...at least i don't think i don't. Maybe one just never made their mind up around me....Tongue
Posted by Ravishing
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by Ravishing
Taurus BY FAR.

And it's not even like "umgz stereotypical Taurus stubborn" but yes. I have a lot of Taurus family members. These people are stubborn asf once they've made up their mind.
I find them easy going.

They are. Most of them are not bossy, let you do your own thing but once they've made their minds up about something they will never budge.
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I remmeber reading Shannon Doherty's past...and she has that mercury taurus...

only that!!! and she is stubborn as hell.

ok she has scorpio moon too but still....

that taurus mercury will FIGHT. and ther'e's a bossiness too ..yup.
Posted by Ravishing
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Ravishing
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by Ravishing
Taurus BY FAR.

And it's not even like "umgz stereotypical Taurus stubborn" but yes. I have a lot of Taurus family members. These people are stubborn asf once they've made up their mind.
I find them easy going.

They are. Most of them are not bossy, let you do your own thing but once they've made their minds up about something they will never budge.
I remmeber reading Shannon Doherty's past...and she has that mercury taurus...

only that!!! and she is stubborn as hell.

ok she has scorpio moon too but still....

that taurus mercury will FIGHT. and ther'e's a bossiness too ..yup.

I find Taurus way more stubborn then Scorpio. If you make sense to a Scorpio, they will change their mind and be like "woah, you're right." A Taurus? Never.

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hmmm maybe because you know Scorpios with Libra in their charts.

anyone with Libra, once they realize how UNFAIR things are, they will be accommodating cause they see all sides.

that's their bendable nature. like the wind of fairness.

being scorpionic gives them more passion/focus.

and alot of scorpio suns have libra venus.
Us cancers can be too
Taurus - my mother is one and she's the most stubborn person that i know

but i'm stubborn in my own way too if i don't want to do something i'm an Aquarius Tongue
no wonder astrologers and i've seen alot of sites....say Taurus is the most stubborn of the fixed signs..

and they attribute ALGOL to taurus too, because of the extreme obstinancy.

i think too, it's the symbolic nature of mother earth.



i think water, such as Scorpio moon Scorpio mars, Pisces Neptune can DRILL the earth down.... like a drilling machine... or tap into the oil beneath the ground. smile that's why earth/water good together, not too much of either though. lol

User Submitted Image

I can write a really long explanation.

But nah...it's Taurus. The end.

Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Petals

Aquas were the most stubborn of all that I have met.

Try an Aqua with a Taurus moon. Oh, boy...

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That's what my sister is. 😂 And she thinks I'm the hard one to deal with. Yet, it's always myself and everyone else in her life who has to apologize for things to be right again. I've never heard her apologize. Not once. Still love her though.
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by jane84

That's what my sister is. 😂 And she thinks I'm the hard one to deal with. Yet, it's always myself and everyone else in her life who has to apologize for things to be right again. I've never heard her apologize. Not once. Still love her though.
sister an aqua too

never heard her apologize, either

but she is nice, though. loves people. but brutally stubborn. like a brick

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Same. Nice and loves to be around people.

Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by Petals
Aquas were the most stubborn of all that I have met.
funny you should say that

i find scorpio to be most stubborn after taurus

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Lol fixed signs are generally stubborn... But aquas are more rebellious to accept anything.
Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Petals

Aquas were the most stubborn of all that I have met.

Try an Aqua with a Taurus moon. Oh, boy...

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No thanks lol
Posted by aquarius_man
Posted by Petals

Lol fixed signs are generally stubborn... But aquas are more rebellious to accept anything.
that may be, but they are not as ego driven as leos to refuse to accept they are error-prone. nor as obsessively insane as scorpio who won't have it any other way. nor as dumb as bricks as taurus is.

im not even stubborn, i just don't listen to other people because i know whats best for myself

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Lol I am not talking about you it's about the aquas that I have met irl. Tbh except Scorpio and aquas, none were stubborn at all. I think it changes with maturity.
Posted by MyStarsShine
Fixed earth
So me? Taurus???? Why is that?
Crap lol... I thought I wud be the least stubbornz so I have Taurus sun , house in Scorpio and Aquarius moon... so I am pretty stubborn then? Imaooooo ... more than Aquarius sun? Oopsssssiiieeeee
Posted by Petals
Posted by Gob_Shite
Posted by Petals

Aquas were the most stubborn of all that I have met.

Try an Aqua with a Taurus moon. Oh, boy...

No thanks lol
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Lol what about Taurus sun Aqua moon then? Which is worst?

Posted by Nevermore
Posted by saweetz1988
Crap lol... I thought I wud be the least stubbornz so I have Taurus sun , house in Scorpio and Aquarius moon... so I am pretty stubborn then? Imaooooo ... more than Aquarius sun? Oopsssssiiieeeee
As far as all your stories and questioning goes.

Yes. Totally stubborn.
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IMAo... the fact that I don't notice my stubbornness is scary as hell lol

Posted by saweetz1988
Posted by MyStarsShine
Fixed earth
So me? Taurus???? Why is that?
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Well, if you think of the meaning of *fixed* ~immovable, rooted, grounded to the earth ~an earth sign and combine that with qualities of the bull you have an energy that is very stubborn

Not just suns either...i have Moon and Mars in Taurus in its home, the 2nd house

All *fixed* signs can be stubborn, not just the privilege of Taureans Tongue

Looks like it's Taurus for the win.

Earth signs are more stubborn
Posted by Nevermore
Taurus and tons of fixed placement.


i remember poor Timothy Treadmill. sooooo stubborn. lots of taurus in him. i think he only had libra mars as his personal placement that was not taurus.

he went to canadian forests every year for 13 years (that's dedication) and slept there every year with his libra girlfriend.

he was supposed to go home at a scheduled time (which is consistent) but when he failed to do that...


Posted by ViperSerum
Tucker Carlson is the perfect example of a Taurus Sun/Moon.

Him vs a Scorpio

He doesn't seem so bad here.
Taurus got the stubbornness trophy. I don't know if that's a compliment hahahah
Posted by saweetz1988
Crap lol... I thought I wud be the least stubbornz so I have Taurus sun , house in Scorpio and Aquarius moon... so I am pretty stubborn then? Imaooooo ... more than Aquarius sun? Oopsssssiiieeeee
I tried telling you lololol

Posted by Jayc3on
Tie between Taurus sun vs Aquarius mars
Errrrni have Aqua mars lol . N I'm a Taurus sun. Lol
Posted by justagirl
Posted by saweetz1988
Crap lol... I thought I wud be the least stubbornz so I have Taurus sun , house in Scorpio and Aquarius moon... so I am pretty stubborn then? Imaooooo ... more than Aquarius sun? Oopsssssiiieeeee
I tried telling you lololol

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I know you so did !!! That's why I created a thread coz I was too stubborn to realise that I was stubborn IMAo! Here the truth slamming on my face lol
Posted by blvckphase
Can't pin that to a sign. A fixed dominant chart will be the most stubborn.
i agree.

it's just that when people say here, Taurus, it's a very very STRONG sign, because of the "earth" element too.

so the stubbornness is dug in deep.

but yeah fixed dominant chart definitely. Tongue
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by blvckphase
Can't pin that to a sign. A fixed dominant chart will be the most stubborn.
i agree.

it's just that when people say here, Taurus, it's a very very STRONG sign, because of the "earth" element too.

so the stubbornness is dug in deep.

but yeah fixed dominant chart definitely. Tongue
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Is there a site for me to find out how much fixed I have ?

I think Capricorns are the most stubborn people in the world. My mom is one and I can prove her nothing.. not like i am trying to anymore smile
Posted by saweetz1988
I'm very curious Winking bring on the debate!
Definitely Taurus. That's true in my experience, both pre- and post my unusual circumstances.

OH dear. What makes someone stubborn? Lol
Posted by LittleFairy
Aries! And really uncalled for!