Why does my boyfriend call me aprodite? I've heard men call women that as an insult before

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by Stensco21 on Sunday, August 13, 2017 and has 12 replies.
Maybe he doesn't like you.

Posted by tiziani
I see Aphrodite as the best going today, even her dark sides.
What are her dark sides? I can't find much about her besides generic info
Posted by Koniuchaa
Did you ask him?
Yea he said look it up lol
She is the Greek Goddess of love .....

Huge compliment
Posted by Koniuchaa
Did you ask him?
DJ wants someone to say 'he thinks you are beautiful'...but I am ?It HE not DJ...lol
Posted by MyStarsShine
She is the Greek Goddess of love .....

Huge compliment
Now you w spoiled everything!
I agree with you @MyStarsShine She was a greek goddess. What's wrong in that? It a compliment
I've never in my life heard "Aphrodite" as an insult.

Aphrodite is pronounced a-fro-DEE-tee. Maybe you're thinking of something like "hermaphrodite", pronounced like her-MA-fro-dite (with a long i, sounds like "kite")?

If someone used it as an insult to imply that you're the Goddess of Prostitutes, then that's a pretty cerebral insult and that's the kind of dude with whom I wish I was friends. Locally, I'm surrounded by cretins.
Posted by csdude55
I've never in my life heard "Aphrodite" as an insult.

Aphrodite is pronounced a-fro-DEE-tee. Maybe you're thinking of something like "hermaphrodite", pronounced like her-MA-fro-dite (with a long i, sounds like "kite")?

If someone used it as an insult to imply that you're the Goddess of Prostitutes, then that's a pretty cerebral insult and that's the kind of dude with whom I wish I was friends. Locally, I'm surrounded by cretins.
Yea I guess I'm a Greek goddess then
Posted by Stensco21
Taurean (John) calls me "Beautiful, Sexy, and Sunshine" Hmmmm, never been called "Aphrodite"

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Facts about Aphrodite

•Aphrodite was the goddess of fertility, love, and beauty.

•Two different stories explain the birth of Aphrodite. The first is simple: She was the child of Zeus and Dione.

•According to the second story, however, Aphrodite rose from the foam of the sea.

•Aphrodite was married to Hephaestus, but Aphrodite did not enter into this union of her own volition.

•She and Ares conceived Harmonia, who eventually married Herodotus.

•She was the mother of Hermaphroditus by Hermes.

•Aphrodite and her son Eros (Cupid) teamed up to cause Zeus to fall in love with a human named Europa.

•Aphrodite loved Adonis. She saw him when he was born and determined then that he should be hers. She assigned Persephone to his care, but Persephone fell in love with Adonis also and would not give him back. Finally, Zeus had to mediate. He judged that Adonis should spend half the year with each.

•Aphrodite used a swan-drawn car to glide easily through the air.

•Although Aphrodite and Hera were not friends, Hera went to the Goddess of Love for help as she endeavored to assist the heroes in their Quest of the Golden Fleece.

•Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena were the top three contenders for a gold apple marked “For the Fairest.” They asked Zeus to judge the contest, but he refused. Paris, son of the King of Troy, judged the contest instead. Each of the three goddesses promised him something in return; he chose Aphrodite as the winner of the apple. This story of the Judgment of Paris was considered to be the real reason behind the Trojan War.

•During the Trojan War, Aphrodite fought on the side of Paris.

•Aphrodite rescued Paris from Menelaus by enveloping him in a cloud and taking him back to Troy.

•Aphrodite owned a girdle that contained her enchantments; Hera borrowed it once to seduce Zeus in order to distract him from the Trojan War.

•Aphrodite gave Harmonia a necklace that brought disaster to a later generation.

•Prostitutes considered the Goddess of Love their patron.

•Aphrodite had a few mortal lovers. One of the most notable was the Trojan shepherd Anchises. The two of them conceived Aeneas.

•Corinth was the center of Aphrodite’s worship.

•Early Greek art depicted the goddess as nude.

•She was the model for the famous sculpture Venus de Milo.

•Aphrodite and Cupid initiated the love between Jason (hero of the Quest of the Golden Fleece) and the daughter of the Colchian King.

Posted by tiziani
I see Aphrodite as the best going today, even her dark sides.
I misread the title to say "hermaphrodite", for whatever reason. Suddenly, "Aphrodite" doesn't sound so insulting.

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