Will this Leo ever come back to me?

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by lovekind on Saturday, September 2, 2017 and has 2 replies.
Long story short, we were dating for around 2 months, he was moving from his hometown to mine when we met and we would catch up on the weekends because he would fly back during the week. When he was with me he would give me his undivided attention. Never on his phone and always talking about something!

I was about to leave to go overseas for a couple of weeks and the night before I left we ended up getting dinner and sleeping with eachother later that night. Mind you, we did not kiss or have anything remotely sexual happen during that dating period of 2 months....i had a lot of respect for this guy for not trying anything.

I left to go overseas and he continued to message and call me. Asking how I was, to send photos etc. Everything was great! We were in contact more when I was overseas than when I was at home!

I had to cut my trip short because of circumstances with the people I was staying with and I told him I was coming home early....thats when things started getting really weird. His responses became really slow. And he didn't reply to some of my texts....anyways I landed back home and messaged him straight away....no reply for hours. He then messaged saying we should get dinner the following night. I was naturally really excited and agreed....the following day I messaged him to see where and when we were having dinner. Didn't get a reply until 9pm! He said he was "bed ridden" all day and was flying back home first thing in the morning but coming back on the weekend so he would talk to me then. I was pretty pissed off. But held my ground and thought maybe something came up at home....anyways he calls me on Sunday (4 days later) and he sounded really happy and excited to hear my voice and said we should do dinner tomorrow (Monday) and I agreed.. I messaged him in the morning to confirm where and when (again) and got no reply. So I messaged him again at 5pm to see what was going on and didn't get a reply till 6.30pm telling me something has come up and he can't make it and that we would catch up during the week.....at this point I was just done.

- Side tracking a bit....while I was overseas I realised not everything was right with my body....especially when I started pissing blood and got pain during urination. Thought it was a uti and got told it was when I got back home and saw a doctor....but when the antibiotics I was giving didn't work I decided to see the doctors again....this time I got a blood test-

I didn't speak to him since the Monday he cancelled plans on me. He never messaged to catch up during the week and the following Monday I got my blood test results back.....he gave me an STI. I tried to call him urgently and messaged him telling him what happened but there was absolutely NOTHING. And to this day he has not tried to make contact whatsoever. Have been completely ghosted.

I've summarised this as best as I can, obviously more details that built our relationship up.....but I tried to keep the events simple. Also he is a Leo born on 31st of July and I'm an Aquarius. I guess the real question is, is he gone for good?

Is he gone for Good?


Are you seriously wanting him to come back
