I have seen guys saying it feels weird for them if the woman's Mars aspects his Moon, especially if they have a Moon sign that likes to dominate (which this guy's Scorpio Moon does). I've also seen some guys saying the opposite (that it's even better if the woman is the Mars in this aspect), so I don't know what to think. I have my Mars in Cancer trine this guy's Moon in Scorpio, 3 degree orb.
What I want to know is whether our other aspects will change the way this feels for him. We also have his Mars square my Venus, and in my experience, this is one of the hottest sex aspects. All the guys who have pursued me the most relentlessly had either their Mars square my Venus or their Mars square my Moon. He also had a tight Mars square Venus with an ex that lasted for a long time. Will this help to offset the weird-ness of my Mars aspecting his Moon?
Also, the fact that his Mars is in Aquarius (I've heard they lack physical passion and can seem asexual to some), is it possible it could be a good thing that my warmer Mars aspects his Moon? Would it put a damper on the passion if it was only his Aquarius Mars aspecting everything?
His Mars is quincunx my Moon, the orb is wide though. I've felt wide quincunxes in the past, they seem great for creativity/friendship in synastry. I know he likes powerful, independent women, but he probably doesn't like them to dominate.
We also have tons of other aspects, including:
0 degree Moon trine Moon
0 degree Sun trine Sun
Mercury sextile Jupiter
Sun trine Saturn
double whammy tight Venus Moon Opposition (we both do well with oppositions in synastry)
Sun trine Jupiter
Mercury trine Mercury
Venus trine Venus
His North Node 0 degree conjunct my Ascendant
His Eros trine my Venus
Moon conjunct Pluto
His sun in my 8th house, his Moon in my 4th house
My Venus in his 4th house, my Moon in his 7th house, my Sun in his 5th house
and more.
This guy has:
Sun - Aquarius
Moon- Scorpio
Mercury - Aquarius
Mars - Aquarius
Venus - Capricorn
Sun - Gemini
Moon - Cancer
Mercury - Cancer
Mars - Cancer
Venus - Taurus
I know it seems like a lot of Aqua for a Cancer dominant woman, but Aquarius is one of the best signs for me in friendships/relationships.