You suddenly receive messages from 3 diff guys..tell your SO or no...

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by LibraLovesHim on Thursday, June 22, 2017 and has 25 replies.
2 I knew well from living as an expat with in the same country where I met my partner, they both know I am now in a serious relationship and i'd made it pretty clear how he is/how they should respect that...

1 is Scorpio the other Aquarius.

3rd is a very career orientated football coach who is back in the region and wanted to meet up (he always seems to want to meet me someplace between our homecountry and where he ends up for footy (pisces)

My bf (Aries) should he be made aware of this? Or am I being seen to be "rubbing it in his face" which is really not how I would go about sharing this with him...ladies what would you do?? Guys what would you appreciate more?

Also, is there anything in the stars, for you astrology people, that these 3 all contacted me on the exact same day?!? Bearing in mind I dont have Facebook, or any of these people on any social media outlet...

So, how they contacted you? Just bumped onto you in the middle of the day?
Posted by compy
So, how they contacted you? Just bumped onto you in the middle of the day?
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by compy
So, how they contacted you? Just bumped onto you in the middle of the day?
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This means they know your mobile phone number, that you willingly gave at some point. Reason for which I never disclose such an information. If you can meet them with your BF, go ahead. If not, politely decline. My BF is always my priority. I would never meet someone, no matter how casual it may be, behind his back.
I don't think you should tell him. Just tell the others your in a serious relationship and stop contact.
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Exactly, so the argument here is, I mention it and seem like i'm bragging-I dont mention, and i'm seen to be hiding something...dafuq. And people wonder why Libra's keep their heads in the fucking clouds-back on my magic carpet. Never mind.
Posted by Shadowcat
Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by Shadowcat
Why wouldn't you tell him? Hiding it makes it out to be a more serious problem than it actually is
Because it is completely irrelevant and has no significance or importance in the OP's life. Only important factors count. Exes aren't important. they just need to be cut dead and deleted and forgotten about.

Besides if a person has got rid of exes and ex admirers the right way, they rarely return... I just amputate the lot.

If it's that irrelevant then I see no reason for her to avoid mentioning it. She can treat it like laundry, and mention it in passing. But keeping it to herself? Again, why? Honestly, if it's not a big deal, then don't treat it like one. Tell him, then move on.
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Honesty? Her boyfriend never asked about these guys and she has done nothing out of deceit. The guys contacted her remember.

But since some people believe disclosing is the way to go. Don't leave anything out. Provide him with the messages, describe the men in detail, times and duration of calls and let him know if you had sexual relations with these men. See how all that plays out for you.

Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
Well you have two options and it's understandable if you chose either. It all depends on your relationship.

1. If the relationship is still young OR if this guy is prone to jealousy, it may be best to keep it to yourself and tell these guys to stop contacting you because you're in a serious relationship. That hopefully would be the end of it.

2. If your boyfriend is stable and not prone to outbursts, letting him know that you've had to reject other men will show that you're both honest and reliable. A guy who is confident understands that the woman he's with will get hit on from time to time. He doesn't let it bother him.

To be honest, if he's a catch himself then he probably gets hit on too. So he may just laugh it off since he will feel an ego boost knowing that you rejected other men for him. HOWEVER a lot of guys don't have this type of confidence and can be rather sensitive about this. A guy may perceive this outside attention as a threat, which may cause more drama than you're willing to deal with at the moment. The only thing to know is that it will look very odd to your boyfriend if he ever discovers that these other guys were contacting you.

So it all depends on your boyfriend's character. Is he the jealous type or the type of guy who would blow something like this out of proportion?
Posted by Chuckcem
Well you have two options and it's understandable if you chose either. It all depends on your relationship.

1. If the relationship is still young OR if this guy is prone to jealousy, it may be best to keep it to yourself and tell these guys to stop contacting you because you're in a serious relationship. That hopefully would be the end of it.

2. If your boyfriend is stable and not prone to outbursts, letting him know that you've had to reject other men will show that you're both honest and reliable. A guy who is confident understands that the woman he's with will get hit on from time to time. He doesn't let it bother him.

To be honest, if he's a catch himself then he probably gets hit on too. So he may just laugh it off since he will feel an ego boost knowing that you rejected other men for him. HOWEVER a lot of guys don't have this type of confidence and can be rather sensitive about this. A guy may perceive this outside attention as a threat, which may cause more drama than you're willing to deal with at the moment. The only thing to know is that it will look very odd to your boyfriend if he ever discovers that these other guys were contacting you.

So it all depends on your boyfriend's character. Is he the jealous type or the type of guy who would blow something like this out of proportion?
Good feedback. I told him about the one that he occasionally asks about, i'm not sure if he sees him in particular to be a threat, I dont want to face the siutaution where he asks me if ive heard from him and i have to say yes couple weeks back and its "oh you never mentioned it" I like to keep everything in the open, reassure him and make sure he is aware of it.

The other 2 I dont deem its necessary to mention, although I made sure to tell the one that never knew that i'm now happy in a relationship. I do find some situations a little tricky to deal with. Its the only reason I ask opinions-and clearly get varying! Although yours made it clear its more about judging the character and taking damage control into account.


Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by Chuckcem
Well you have two options and it's understandable if you chose either. It all depends on your relationship.

1. If the relationship is still young OR if this guy is prone to jealousy, it may be best to keep it to yourself and tell these guys to stop contacting you because you're in a serious relationship. That hopefully would be the end of it.

2. If your boyfriend is stable and not prone to outbursts, letting him know that you've had to reject other men will show that you're both honest and reliable. A guy who is confident understands that the woman he's with will get hit on from time to time. He doesn't let it bother him.

To be honest, if he's a catch himself then he probably gets hit on too. So he may just laugh it off since he will feel an ego boost knowing that you rejected other men for him. HOWEVER a lot of guys don't have this type of confidence and can be rather sensitive about this. A guy may perceive this outside attention as a threat, which may cause more drama than you're willing to deal with at the moment. The only thing to know is that it will look very odd to your boyfriend if he ever discovers that these other guys were contacting you.

So it all depends on your boyfriend's character. Is he the jealous type or the type of guy who would blow something like this out of proportion?
Good feedback. I told him about the one that he occasionally asks about, i'm not sure if he sees him in particular to be a threat, I dont want to face the siutaution where he asks me if ive heard from him and i have to say yes couple weeks back and its "oh you never mentioned it" I like to keep everything in the open, reassure him and make sure he is aware of it.

The other 2 I dont deem its necessary to mention, although I made sure to tell the one that never knew that i'm now happy in a relationship. I do find some situations a little tricky to deal with. Its the only reason I ask opinions-and clearly get varying! Although yours made it clear its more about judging the character and taking damage control into account.


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Right, I think that was a good call. Basically shine a light on the stuff your boyfriend may see on his own and sweep the rest into the trash. I'm sure he'll get the message that you're faithful without you needing to tell him about every guy who flirts with you. That way you get bonus points for honesty, without making him feel insecure. This also will set a precedent thay you can talk to your boyfriend about these situations in the future without it seemingly coming out of nowhere.
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
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FYI keep your promiscuous past out of your new relationship. I don't think any decent man wants to know all about these men.

Posted by Maidemarilyn
Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
FYI keep your promiscuous past out of your new relationship. I don't think any decent man wants to know all about these men.

Exactly. She may as well put in an advert in the local gazette. I wonder if she told her present partner about the cap who cheated on her.

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Posted by Maidemarilyn

What's to entertain? Just kill them all dead... Simple. Tell them. "I have a bf and told you so and now I'm going to block and delete your number don't contact me again." END OF.
Right. This should be a non-issue, really.

Unless these men are persistently harassing you and you have no way of blocking them from contact, I don't understand why you would feel the need to bring them up. Seems like irrelevant, unnecessary drama.

You are constantly making threads about how you get attention from men. My gosh, you go on and on in the Virgo room about how wanted you are from men.

yet, it's a rare day that you ever make a thread about your SO ... it's almost as if he's on the back burner
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by Chuckcem
Well you have two options and it's understandable if you chose either. It all depends on your relationship.

1. If the relationship is still young OR if this guy is prone to jealousy, it may be best to keep it to yourself and tell these guys to stop contacting you because you're in a serious relationship. That hopefully would be the end of it.

2. If your boyfriend is stable and not prone to outbursts, letting him know that you've had to reject other men will show that you're both honest and reliable. A guy who is confident understands that the woman he's with will get hit on from time to time. He doesn't let it bother him.

To be honest, if he's a catch himself then he probably gets hit on too. So he may just laugh it off since he will feel an ego boost knowing that you rejected other men for him. HOWEVER a lot of guys don't have this type of confidence and can be rather sensitive about this. A guy may perceive this outside attention as a threat, which may cause more drama than you're willing to deal with at the moment. The only thing to know is that it will look very odd to your boyfriend if he ever discovers that these other guys were contacting you.

So it all depends on your boyfriend's character. Is he the jealous type or the type of guy who would blow something like this out of proportion?
Good feedback. I told him about the one that he occasionally asks about, i'm not sure if he sees him in particular to be a threat, I dont want to face the siutaution where he asks me if ive heard from him and i have to say yes couple weeks back and its "oh you never mentioned it" I like to keep everything in the open, reassure him and make sure he is aware of it.

The other 2 I dont deem its necessary to mention, although I made sure to tell the one that never knew that i'm now happy in a relationship. I do find some situations a little tricky to deal with. Its the only reason I ask opinions-and clearly get varying! Although yours made it clear its more about judging the character and taking damage control into account.


Right, I think that was a good call. Basically shine a light on the stuff your boyfriend may see on his own and sweep the rest into the trash. I'm sure he'll get the message that you're faithful without you needing to tell him about every guy who flirts with you. That way you get bonus points for honesty, without making him feel insecure. This also will set a precedent thay you can talk to your boyfriend about these situations in the future without it seemingly coming out of nowhere.
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Good advice bro
Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
FYI keep your promiscuous past out of your new relationship. I don't think any decent man wants to know all about these men.

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I think you must be confused, did I write anywhere that I had ANY romabtic encounters with these men??? In future I would encourage you to keep your assumptions to youself as it causes confusion. There is absolutely no need to go embellishing people's posts with your own input.


Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
FYI keep your promiscuous past out of your new relationship. I don't think any decent man wants to know all about these men.

I think you must be confused, did I write anywhere that I had ANY romabtic encounters with these men??? In future I would encourage you to keep your assumptions to youself as it causes confusion. There is absolutely no need to go embellishing people's posts with your own input.


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So what is the point of your post? You want to make your boyfriend aware of nobodies?? Nobodies who just happen to have your contact information and that you know much about. Why is this news?!

You ask for opinions and now because you realize how you actually might portray yourself you want to go into defense mode.

Posted by Datariesgirl
You might as well break up with your Aries. Telling him you conversed with three guys from your past will make not him trust anymore.

Once an Aries starts to feel jealous, they will begin to build a wall between you and their heart.

And this is why Aries and Libra have a love/hate relationship. Libra becomes insecure and tries to find ways to get attention from Aries, but goes about it totally wrong. Instead, Aries sees it as provocation and goes cold.

Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
FYI keep your promiscuous past out of your new relationship. I don't think any decent man wants to know all about these men.

I think you must be confused, did I write anywhere that I had ANY romabtic encounters with these men??? In future I would encourage you to keep your assumptions to youself as it causes confusion. There is absolutely no need to go embellishing people's posts with your own input.


So what is the point of your post? You want to make your boyfriend aware of nobodies?? Nobodies who just happen to have your contact information and that you know much about. Why is this news?!

You ask for opinions and now because you realize how you actually might portray yourself you want to go into defense mode.

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The point of my post is very clear. I was as conflicted as the responses that I got but came to a conclusion based off of other emotionally intelligent individuals, unlike yourself.
Posted by TheLibraMudra
I show my SO every text or fb message. Even when some weird, random dude tries to add me on fb or skype. Have even shown him my dxp inbox. Not because he asks but because I feel I should because I respect him and what we have.
Amen to this!
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by MagicMarch
There was already a topic on this.

But what is the point of telling him. Do you have something to confess? It's almost like you have a point to prove which is why you didn't leave out that one was a "career oriented football coach" it's almost low key bragging IMO. Would you go into such detail if you told your boyfriend.

Tell them you have a boyfriend. Block them all and keep it moving. Stop provoking and making issues out of nothing.

Sorry....Scorpio is an Admiral in the US navy, Aquarius is an Officer-both are based in Washington DC.None of this make any difference to me (Im from UK and live in the Middle East) I mentioned the football coach because he's the only one I didnt actually meet "as an expat whilst based abroad" but he is back an forth within the region. Sorry if that wasnt clear and taken as bragging.
FYI keep your promiscuous past out of your new relationship. I don't think any decent man wants to know all about these men.

I think you must be confused, did I write anywhere that I had ANY romabtic encounters with these men??? In future I would encourage you to keep your assumptions to youself as it causes confusion. There is absolutely no need to go embellishing people's posts with your own input.


So what is the point of your post? You want to make your boyfriend aware of nobodies?? Nobodies who just happen to have your contact information and that you know much about. Why is this news?!

You ask for opinions and now because you realize how you actually might portray yourself you want to go into defense mode.

The point of my post is very clear. I was as conflicted as the responses that I got but came to a conclusion based off of other emotionally intelligent individuals, unlike yourself.
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Emotionally intelligent individuals do not need the help of others on a hourly, daily, weekly, monthly basis.

Posted by Capmercury87
It could be easy to not even care about those guys. My gut tells me you like the attention.

Stop contact with them and get on with your life, if they weren't options to you, you wouldn't have even considered thinking about what to do with them.

Kinda trashy.
The hate is real lol
Posted by Capmercury87
Posted by LibraLovesHim
Posted by Capmercury87
It could be easy to not even care about those guys. My gut tells me you like the attention.

Stop contact with them and get on with your life, if they weren't options to you, you wouldn't have even considered thinking about what to do with them.

Kinda trashy.
The hate is real lol

Just noticed you have a Libra venus.

My sister has a Libra sun and venus, she entertained so many men even though she was taken.

Trashy as trashy gets.

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Thats sad, sounds like you have alot of hate for your sister also. That can't be a healthy family situation.