your signs and perception of i love you

This topic was created in the Relationships & Astrology forum by christinelovessnickers on Thursday, April 18, 2013 and has 12 replies.
How do you receive being told I love you frequently?

Does it come off insecure? Do the words continue to maintain their meaning the same?
Also, did you come from an environment that excepted that form of expression?
Signs please smile
I prefer being told I love you at times where it makes sense- when it means the most. Of course, it retains it's meaning no matter how much it's said, but it just seems to make more of an impact on me if I don't hear it every single time I talk to my boyfriend. There are other verbal and physical ways to express feelings, for me action speaks much louder than words. I could hear "I love you" every minute of my life- but until I see gestures and actions it's scarcely believable. I've been with my boyfriend for about two years, he probably tells me he loves me once a day or every other day- and even if he hardly ever said it at all I would still know he loved me based on how he treats me.
Scorpio smile
Who doesn't like to hear it? But, actions mean so much more than empty words.
- Capricorn sun
I like hearing it because it serves as an assurance. However, it all depends on the timing.
I hate it when my boyfriend says it out of nowhere to changes the topic. I feel like he's just trying to distract me
and the meaning of those three words are void.
But I love hearing it especially with a twist.
Sometimes, being an Aries, we like hearing it with grand gestures.

I like hearing it sometimes and when it's genuine. I don't say it often either but will show it with affection.
Aqua/pisces cusp
Posted by christinelovessnickers
How do you receive being told I love you frequently?

Depends on the person sending the message and how I feel about them when I recieve the message.
Posted by christinelovessnickers

Does it come off insecure?

Depends on when it is said I suppose.
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Do the words continue to maintain their meaning the same?

I don't see why not. Does it have more meaning when said the 100th time vs the 1st time is a better question, and no it doesn't.
Posted by christinelovessnickers

Signs please smile
click to expand

See the crazy kitty. She typed it all out you Winking.
I came from a family that love was shown and told frequently, so for me I do both. I say I love you often to the people I care about and always mean it, even if it is a routine with certain people.
My brother in law said he grew up in a family that never said those words...he could think of one time he had heard the. He just can't get over how open our family is. He says he wishes he could have that with his family. Over the years I have noticed him feeling more comfortable with using those words himself.
"Whether it's possible or not, it really depends on the actions behind that and what quality that adds to my life."

+1. I agree. I suppose it doesn't matter how frequently it's being said as long as there is substance and actions to back up those words. If it's genuine and coming from a place of sincerity, and seems authentic to you- it should always mean something.
I find everyone's opinions interesting. Thanks guys! I have to agree that words are just words unless they are backed up by actions. Have you guys heard about the love languages?
Different language of love? Is that what you mean?
Like other people say their love through material gift --> they would shower their love ones with gifts e.g bags, laptop etc...
others have their language of love through cooking --> they would cook/feed their love ones
while others say it with physical action --> likes hugging their love ones
I once heard a speaker talked about different languages of love and those are some of what I remember and I think everyone have their own unique language of love.
One of my cap ex expresses his love through food so we would dine a lot or we cook food for each other and that's when he feels most loved while the other one cap ex of mine
expresses his love through traveling, so we would travel a lot and he was at his best and most happiest thinking that he was able to bring to many places.
Not really sure if that's what you mean, care to tell what's in your mind? smile
That's along the lines I meant. I remember hearing about them in a class years ago....I think 5 (maybe). Let's see... *drumming fingers* I think affirmations, quality time, touch, acts of kindness and... ??? *cricket chirps* I just looked online; the last is gifts.
Posted by Grey
This is fine when it comes at the right time and when we are really invested in the relationship. It usually scares the shit out of me.......

Personally, it takes me awhile (if ever) to believe someone when they say them. I Think it is way harder for me to say tell someone that, allow myself to feel vulnerable. Not many can claim hearing that come out of my mouth, but if they do I mean it every time.