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Mar 25, 2018Comments: 1491 · Posts: 3532 · Topics: 2
Why don't you ask her what she meant by that?..
I took it as.. let's talk it out instead of ghosting eachother like we've been doing.
Edit:: why did ya'll fall out? Maybe that has something to do with her making that comment and why you took it to mean jealousy..
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Mar 25, 2016Comments: 235 · Posts: 1112 · Topics: 19
Text can be very ambiguous, even if someone is really trying to say something and in a certain way, it might not come across the way they intended.
She obviously wants to reconnect, and she's acknowledging that you've made it clear that she is out of your life. She is telling you she misses you and wants back in. It takes guts to admit that. She's not just saying "Hey, what's up?".
I'm thinking she's trying to save some pride here and dignity.
Perhaps she's upset at you for something, that you're not aware of. Perhaps she's experienced some growth and wants you in her life but perhaps your relationship now has to change.
I agree that her comment about being on her level was a bit too much. It was like she was trying to save face before having a real conversation.
I'm also thinking that you are both showing a bit of your stubbornness.
Be cautious. Connect with her face to face. Be open. Be forgiving. Be smart. If you are both such good friends then you need to both be candid about the past, present, and future.
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May 26, 2019Comments: 1551 · Posts: 3887 · Topics: 78
Um on her level? What does that mean? Did you ask her?
I take that to mean she is more concerned about her needs than yours. Not necessarily of someone being better than the other.
I had a situation with a best friends. The friendship needed to evolve past only thing of oneself, and letting each other be themselves. We are friends again. It’s a little different now though.