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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
So I've heard that whatever sign is in your 7th house shows who/what sign you'll be attracted to and should marry.
Mine is in Gemini. Can I just take this oppurtunity to say... HELL NO!
Never have I been attracted to a Gemini or anyone with any really strong Gemini influences. Maybe it's cause I have so much Gem in my sign already (Venus/Moon and Sun cusp) but the men I'm attracted to almost always have some prominant Saggitarius and/or Scorpio.
Apparently I like relationships on an intellectual level more than an emotional one which is nothing like me. I like people I can have a conversation with sure, but that goes for friendship. When I want something to be more than just friendship there was to be emotion, passion, some undeniable attraction to the person.
That's what I want in a romantic relationship. That's what makes it different from just any old friendship.
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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
DepressedAngel that is interesting.
I guess I would view people I care about as mostly being intelligent, fun, witty and stuff but then enemies as being cold, emotionless, shallow, too logical etc etc.
Feels Geminian to me. I see both sides of that in Gemini.
Still wonder why I like Saggi and scorpio so much. Damn them.
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Dec 13, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1525 · Topics: 14
"I will go and kill myself"
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May 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 21685 · Topics: 138
My 7th is in libra....go figure 
My good friend at the moment is a libra male. I have no interest in him in that manner though. Signed Up:
Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
mine's in scorp - - - hahahaha --- considering I can't even stay friends for long with scorp, how will I marry one? 
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
7th house is cancer..I don't really get along with cancers really well so I don't know where the marriage will come come
as for the 9th house is with a virgo, again virgos to me are odd o.O
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Jun 18, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 542 · Topics: 62
Ok so does anyone have a 7th or 9th house sign they would like to marry at all?
Everyone seems completly turned off by the signs in their 7th/9th houses
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Jul 30, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 6247 · Topics: 51
7th house gem & 9th house virgo. i'm more than sure that my birth time is wrong lol.
Ok so does anyone have a 7th or 9th house sign they would like to marry at all?
lol - erm, no
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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
7th house sagi~ been there, done that, and got my release papers after 18 years LOL!
9th house Aqui ~ i might could do this one, IDK
NOt so much, but, maybe so...............
THanks Cancerkitten for the link, helped a bunch
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Dec 13, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1525 · Topics: 14
Taurus in 7th house and Leo in 9th house ... hmmmm
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Jul 30, 2007Comments: 3 · Posts: 10583 · Topics: 206
Capricorn is my 7th house. I can see that...
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Oct 11, 2006Comments: 2454 · Posts: 30581 · Topics: 372
7th house in Taurus.
I could kind of see that.
Taurus males drive me nuts. We're both stubborn. But it's kind of hot, I have to admit.

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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
7th sag
9th aqua...
I'm diggin the 7th, the 9th... not so much.
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
...actually the my 9th is broken in half by cap & aqua, but the whole of my 7th is in sag.
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Mar 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1203 · Topics: 57
how is it broken in half?
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Sep 25, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 500 · Topics: 16
Peep the profile...
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Nov 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 68
Holy crap, Sag is in my 7th house and here I am talking a lot about Sags all of sudden. It's been awhile since I've looked at my complete chart.
But I also read that the sign the house is in doesn't necessarily mean the sun sign of the other person. Good matches can have that sign in other placements, as long as the sign is in their chart.
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Nov 25, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 447 · Topics: 68
Crap, my 9th house is in Cap.
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
my 7th is in sagittarius but i dunno if im feeling that. i need attention and romance and patience...i know many sag dudes and i dunno if i can get it there lol
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
whats the sitch with the 9th house? is that the effing house?
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Feb 29, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 1789 · Topics: 62
"ps: the 9th house, indicates the type of person one is inclined to choose for a second marriage."
i just saw that! ahhhhhhhh!!! where did you read that??!!
my 7th is pisces
my 9th is
Oh dear,
I'm new to this forum, I joined because I recently asked my gemini bf to move out after three years of verbal abuse and the constant flip flop mentality and flirting with any and all skirts were making me crazy and insecure.
On my second post I was called a frigid cookiemonster
lol no hard feelings at all. I've been called that before, so it must be at least partially true.
But now I think, o.k. Maybe a gemini is not right for me, on all research, (now I find out) it was a "doomed for disaster" pairing.
So I read your post and decide to look for my seventh house sign, and there is none.....that is right, what is up with that....chills. Then I think o.k. lets look at 9th. Gemini!
I give up, should I go directly to the nunnery? Never mind, I don't want to know.
At least maybe I can have a little fun trying, even if they are all doomed for disaster. Signed Up:
May 12, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 682 · Topics: 23
Ok so I'm a Leo and I have Leo in my 7th house aswell?
Is that possible?
My boyfriend is Aqua with Leo Sun?
Any explanations or insight?
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Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
So I've heard that a 7th house/descendent conjunction with another's moon is a good indicator of marriage or attraction. For example, I have Scorpio Rising (and thus have Taurus in house 7), conjuncting my crush's moon in Taurus. My Dad also has Cancer in 7th house, conjuncting my Mum's moon in Cancer and they've been together for about 35 years.
I think Gemini in 7th means Sag rising? And this does typically indicate two marriages or siginificant relationships. I think with this 7th house placement it's more about the number of attachements than the type of attachment it is. You might look to your moon or Venus to see who you're more attracted to.
I thought the 7th house always had a different meaning, not to who your suppose to marry. But if that is the case I guess I will never get married. Ughh!!! Yuck!!!
7th house in Aries (have Aries enemies though)
9th house in Gemini (not happening)
Posted by BrightasOrion
I thought the 7th house always had a different meaning, not to who your suppose to marry. But if that is the case I guess I will never get married. Ughh!!! Yuck!!!
The 7th house tells about the kind of partner or type of marriage you are looking for (or issues related to it), but you should also take a look at Juno, who is about the right partner for you (which is different than your conception of the ideal partner when you are young).
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Mine is Capricorn. So yeah can see much support, caring, hard working, and abit traditional upbringing qualities which helps in relation between each other.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
That was for my seventh house above.
My ninth house is Pisces
My juno is Libra
So skeptical of marriage because I want it to work out so bad and as a Capricorn in the seventh I don't believe in divorce I believe in good and bad. And how exactly do you work out problems as a couple... So I remain single and just work.
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Jul 10, 2015Comments: 11 · Posts: 1197 · Topics: 9
7th Taurus
9th Cancer
I like Taurus men, or men with heavy earth and Venusian influence. Never found myself attracted to a Cancer before, but I have noticed I tend to attract a lot of Cancer/Water moons and the nurturing types, in general.
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Mar 19, 2012Comments: 273 · Posts: 5457 · Topics: 33
7th Scorpio
9th Sagittarius
Scorpio's...well, I'm attracted to them and scorp moons but their qualities are also very problematic to me. It's a love/hate sort of relationship. Not one I would choose for marriage unless the guy had barely any negative traits. Never been with a sagittarius, but they seem pretty alright. I would give it a try.
My fiance's 7th house is pisces. Lucky him, he's got one. Haha ; )
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Jun 21, 2015Comments: 3 · Posts: 2104 · Topics: 89
oh christ i hope not. the majority of my 7th house is in Taurus, but it technically starts in Aries so maybe there is hope for me. Aries is my third highest energy. Taurus and I just don't see eye to eye....I do have one Taurus friend though officially. She has a good mix of fire and air in her though. Earth heavy people are typically a no go for me. It's really weird and I don't get why...but it just doesn't work. Maybe because air is my second dominant element and my top energies are Scorp, Aqua and Aries? who knows.
As a side note: my Juno is in Libra.
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Nov 03, 2013Comments: 6652 · Posts: 25221 · Topics: 78
7th Actually starts in Taurus ends in Gem
9th Starts in Leo ends in Virgo
Juno in Taurus
Yea hate my chart sometimes cause i get so friggin confussed by my houses. No clue what it means.
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Oct 14, 2015Comments: 826 · Posts: 2348 · Topics: 15
7th house Saturn in Taurus - YES, I can see that
9th house Moon in Cancer - NO WAY

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Jan 31, 2015Comments: 1573 · Posts: 6705 · Topics: 16
7th house in late Scorpio intercepted by early Sag (Placidus system).
Loaded 7th house:
My Scorpio sun is in my 7th
My Sag Neptune, Mercury and Part of Fortune are too
My two longest romantic relationships so far have been with Sag sun men (both close to 10 years). I have attracted and dated other Sag sun men, and Sag moon men. Second most is Gemini suns.
9th house in Capricorn, empty.
I'm open to being romantically involved with Scorpio, Sag or Capricorn, but I feel like I have already covered my first "marriage" allotment with Sag, even though I wasn't legally married to either Sag. So maybe a Cap is next?
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Nope not all are born in the 90's for Capricorn in the 7th.
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Dec 28, 2012Comments: 14 · Posts: 1482 · Topics: 13
7th house Scorpio: I get along quite well with Scorps. If I befriend someone that came to me first it's usually a Scorp. They're the type that make me very talkative for some reason. More so than any other sign.
Had many female friends but never dated one.
9the house Sagittarius: Venus in Sag makes this one quite understandable for me. Not sure if I'd marry one. The ones I've met thus far were food as friends, but either we bicker all the time or we don't have anything to tell each other once we are sober. :x