Age gap

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by christinelovessnickers on Sunday, December 6, 2015 and has 59 replies.
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What's the biggest age gap and what were your ages? How long did it last?
8 years. It was a fling as well. I was 18, he was 26.
Posted by Libralula
8 years. Let's just say I didn't even graduate high school yet.

Mine was a pretty big one. I was 19 and he was 32. Lasted 6-7 months.
For people who go the extreme...did you think the older they are that there is security, or better in bed, etc

Then found out different?...
Posted by Ands2016
Posted by sultrykitty
8 years. It was a fling as well. I was 18, he was 26.

that's not a big gap Tongue
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LOL, I was thinking about that.

I was a bit more "worldly" at that age than she is.

Hit me up in 4 years, lol.
Posted by BonesMalone
7 yrs younger than me...

Posted by BonesMalone
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Mine was a pretty big one. I was 19 and he was 32. Lasted 6-7 months.

Sounds so suspect but let me not judge. How did that relationship start?
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I don't know he was that old when we met. He looked younger. We had met before and I didn't give him the time of day. A day or two later (my car had just broken down ) and I was walking and he drove past and asked if I wanted a ride. We hit it off in conversation and exchanged numbers. It went on from there.
Posted by Finbuff
21 Years difference......

How did that happen. What were the ages?
Posted by 9waterlion9
22 year gap, me being younger. It was an extremely unusual situation...but still ongoingish(meaning we still talk for hours on the phone sometimes, but see each other very rarely, and have only been physically intimate 3 times other than kissing) for around two years now. I don't believe in twin flames or soulmates, but he might be one if I did.

How did you guys meet? That's a big gap, but I think it's more about personalities than age unless it goes into pedophile range. I feel like the older you get the less the age gap matters.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
My Leo is 40. Or 41. I don't remember which, that's probably horrible LOL!

How old are you?
18 years. I was 22, he was 40. young Aries man of course lol tattoo artist for the band Korn and painter. we dated a year before he cheated with one of his kid's friend's moms lol it wasnt meant to be even if i thought it was at the time. we had a LOT of fun together going to Disneyland on New Years together, art shows, movies, rock shows, skate night with the kids, and more together. that i definitely miss. he was very good to me apart from the cheating lol i admit i was a handful then (less now i hope) not that im excusing the cheating but i know he couldnt be happy with how i smothered him. i was less secure then and he was very independent even more so than i so i let that insecurity make me act a fool and... well you know the rest lol
What's with taking men's virginity and creepiness?
4 months

Lasted 3 years
20ish years.

I don't know his birthday- actually the number may be inaccurate as he lied about his age a few times.

He was only with me because he wanted a "trophy" Someone to brag about to his friends. That's how i felt anyway.

It really sucked considering how much we had in common. When i first met him i really thought that there was something more there- But Nah. Everyone's true colors come out in time.
5 and a half years, with the leo. I tend to like them only 2-3 years older, but whats another two and a half?
Posted by MAGOG92
She was 31. I was 16. It lasted 5 minutes.

please tell me you are joking...
Posted by Libralula


I like older men too, I mean even a few years older. I love men who look like men and not little boys, I guess that's why I dated guys in their 20s while in HS, guys who had beards and chest hair lol Idk.. not saying there aren't immature 40yo men but they are usually more experienced in the bed and know.their way around a woman's body. I've talked to a few buy never had sex or an actual relationship, so I won't count them.

The idea of dating younger or the same age always felt Pedo to me... idk

No lie, the youngest I've ever dated was 10 months younger and he lied about his experience, and I took his virginity. That still creeps me out till this day.

I like older men too. Always have. I have date three guys my age or just a little younger and you could tell the age difference. Only one lasted more than a few months, but that lasted for 2.5 years (horrible years).
Posted by Gobshite
I'm pretty open, as long as she's legal...

Is your pic a self portrait?
Posted by Gobshite
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by Gobshite
I'm pretty open, as long as she's legal...

Is your pic a self portrait?

Yes indeed, my lovely!
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Cancer woman-twelve years she the senior. Together five years.

Capricorn-eight years I the senior. Together two years

Yup my longest relationships, largest age gaps and also my least compatible signs. I'm a very unbalanced Libra
Consider me a dunce but I really like to understand the mindset of why a woman finds dating a man who has yet to loose his virginity creepy.
Posted by virgowithasoul
Consider me a dunce but I really like to understand the mindset of why a woman finds dating a man who has yet to loose his virginity creepy.

I don't think it's creepy. I respect people that stay virgins longer than most because they may be stating strong to their beliefs.

I could see it feelIIng a little awkward being with someone who has less experience than you. Maybe they judge you on your past decisions, maybe not.
Ok i'm starting to see it now
Posted by Finbuff
Posted by christinelovessnickers
Posted by Finbuff
21 Years difference......

How did that happen. What were the ages?

52 & 31. The other one was 33 & 16 - and no, I did not have sex with her.
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As an adult, I don't see the appeal of dating a teenager. I do t get it. I could see why with the 52 to 31.
Posted by LittleStar
Posted by virgowithasoul
Consider me a dunce but I really like to understand the mindset of why a woman finds dating a man who has yet to loose his virginity creepy.

Because they will be the only one that's ever seen that side of him. At least that's it for me. I've never taken anyone's virginity myself though. I like teaching or doing new things they've never done though.
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Who better than a virgin? They haven't done anything! Lol
Posted by cheekyfaerie
16yrs my senior. But I'm 6 of 6 and all my brothers and sisters are well older than me. He was (is. not like he's dead.) the same age as my youngest siblings. We lasted 6mths, but I wasn't all in so I knew I was all out and ended it. Still friendly tho. Mutual friends with the Boy. We ran into him last night, actually.

How old were you?
Posted by Finbuff
Posted by Arielle83

Skank - BIOYA. TIA
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what does bioya and tia mean?
For me, 5 years. I was 18. Lasted about a year.

There is a 10 year difference between my parents. They got married when my mother was 23 and my father 33. Still disgustingly happily married decades later.
Posted by Arielle83
Sheesh ya I vomit when thinking of a man ten years older than me. Plus 22 year olds do nothing for me.

Not into a major age gap then some closeted pedo calls me a skank.


Yeah, I think age gaps don't matter as much the older you get. LIke 90 year old with a 70 year old or 65 with a 50 year old. Maturity. I may be wrong, but the younger a person. Is the worse it seems to me.
Posted by HappyCapper
For me, 5 years. I was 18. Lasted about a year.

There is a 10 year difference between my parents. They got married when my mother was 23 and my father 33. Still disgustingly happily married decades later.

That's sweet
Posted by wecarealot
I used to not understand why girls were into older men, but I kind of understand it now. For the most part--not always, of course--older men tend to be more secure and are probably more respectful. Guys in their 20s are probably just looking to date around. Again, this is by no means true 100% of the time, and I work with a lot of guys in their 20s who are actually quite commitment-oriented and nice, but I can understand a girl wanting to date older if she's surrounded by young douchebags. I think the creepy factor comes in when the older man is searching for a young woman so he can control/manipulate her. But that's also on the girl to either know better or live n' learn.

there are some men who never grow up though.

the other night, we were invited out for dinner, a family dinner with relatives out at a very nice restaurant.

the cousin is a very pretty libra sun/Scorpio mars/Scorpio moon/libra venus young woman, just entered 20s.

and it's our first time, along with the auntys to meet her new man, who we heard is an older man in his 30s.

we were like, omg.

and then her aunty said, "she wouldnt go for a boy her age, because he'd be too immature."

I saw her point.

Then after a long night of dinner and ordering starters, main course, wine, beers, desserts, coffee, tea, ect.

the big bill came. lol

her new guy and her invited us all out for dinner. So it's customary, without words that if they invite they pay for dinner.

The new man in his late 30s, said he's still in college, and he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, very laid back.

he didnt even offer to pay at all. Libra niece took a little money out, to offer to pay for her part. lol

then my husband took the bill. 250 euros with tip.


what's the moral of the story????

dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing
the age gap thing with the maturity doesn't seem to add up.

i thought since it's coincidental....

the younger relatives said, "well the waiters and waitresses took one look at her new man and said, "nope!! he's not the one to pay the bill"Laughing

and made a bee-line to my husband.



oh dear god. the night was kind of funny.
anyway i thought it was funny that they thought that because she's with an older man, that'd he'd be responsible you know??

it's not Always the case.

Posted by wecarealot
Personally, I would side-eye an older man who dates a girl that's not even out of college yet, unless she's mature to the point where she clearly seems older than she really is. There's something inherently creepy about an older guy seeking out a girl who's most likely at a stage in her life where she's especially insecure and unstable life-wise--so many college 20-somethings are fretting over what to do with their lives and what they're purpose is, etc. I would just have to wonder what a 40 or even 30-something year old would see in that. I look back at folks in college now, and they seem like babies. And I'm only 26.

again, some men, are children still, no matter how old. heehee.

they aren't all old geezers type.

Posted by lisabethur8
... dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing

Good point.

Biggest age gap I've had is nine years-- he was 9 years older than me.

The most immature, to date... but he could fake it for a minute, because

he did have a (very) good job and knew how to choose nice things (Leeb)

but the women in his life (beginning and continuing with his mother, but

his ex-wife helped in between, until she'd had enough) had ruined him

beyond all help.

I wasn't going to do that, so .... Tongue
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
... dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing

Good point.

Biggest age gap I've had is nine years-- he was 9 years older than me.

The most immature, to date... but he could fake it for a minute, because

he did have a (very) good job and knew how to choose nice things (Leeb)

but the women in his life (beginning and continuing with his mother, but

his ex-wife helped in between, until she'd had enough) had ruined him

beyond all help.

I wasn't going to do that, so .... Tongue

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sounds horrible, Mont.

ruined him in what way?
my sister is with a libra sun/pisces moon, and i know my sister has super duper extravangant tastes, but she makes alot of money herself to pay for those very expensive material things they want. She even paid for the tropical Island trip for the whole family recently. I mean if one is going to be extravangant, and is used to that lifestyle, then make sure you have the funds to do it for enjoyment. they do have a very very heavy mortgage now that they bought a house and taking are of two children.
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
... dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing

Good point.

Biggest age gap I've had is nine years-- he was 9 years older than me.

The most immature, to date... but he could fake it for a minute, because

he did have a (very) good job and knew how to choose nice things (Leeb)

but the women in his life (beginning and continuing with his mother, but

his ex-wife helped in between, until she'd had enough) had ruined him

beyond all help.

I wasn't going to do that, so .... Tongue

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omg wait..

you mean like libra niece... she's being taken for a ride?? Sad
i just asked my husband what he thought of the new guy.

he just shrugged, and said it's her choice.

(he could care less who people chose for partners)

and besides, she's too broke to be taken for a ride. She's a poor college student.

but emotionally if she loves him, hopefully they are gonna do ok. the future will tell.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
... dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing

Good point.

Biggest age gap I've had is nine years-- he was 9 years older than me.

The most immature, to date... but he could fake it for a minute, because

he did have a (very) good job and knew how to choose nice things (Leeb)

but the women in his life (beginning and continuing with his mother, but

his ex-wife helped in between, until she'd had enough) had ruined him

beyond all help.

I wasn't going to do that, so .... Tongue

sounds horrible, Mont.

ruined him in what way?
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Spoiled rotten, pretty much-- a lot of southern women (NOT ALL)

will do that.

He couldn't even balance a checkbook.

Straight Face

Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
... dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing

Good point.

Biggest age gap I've had is nine years-- he was 9 years older than me.

The most immature, to date... but he could fake it for a minute, because

he did have a (very) good job and knew how to choose nice things (Leeb)

but the women in his life (beginning and continuing with his mother, but

his ex-wife helped in between, until she'd had enough) had ruined him

beyond all help.

I wasn't going to do that, so .... Tongue

sounds horrible, Mont.

ruined him in what way?

Spoiled rotten, pretty much-- a lot of southern women (NOT ALL)

will do that.

He couldn't even balance a checkbook.

Straight Face

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entitled it sounds.

well its also the fault of the people who ENABLE them.

it takes two to tango.

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by lisabethur8
... dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing

Good point.

Biggest age gap I've had is nine years-- he was 9 years older than me.

The most immature, to date... but he could fake it for a minute, because

he did have a (very) good job and knew how to choose nice things (Leeb)

but the women in his life (beginning and continuing with his mother, but

his ex-wife helped in between, until she'd had enough) had ruined him

beyond all help.

I wasn't going to do that, so .... Tongue

sounds horrible, Mont.

ruined him in what way?

Spoiled rotten, pretty much-- a lot of southern women (NOT ALL)

will do that.

He couldn't even balance a checkbook.

Straight Face

entitled it sounds.

well its also the fault of the people who ENABLE them.

it takes two to tango.

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That's exactly it.

Posted by starlover
Posted by Arielle83
When I was 19, dan akyroyd tried to chat me up at a college bar in Ottawa.

No blues brothers please.

Then a 30 yr old was following me around every wks at the same bar. I finally hung out with him and my roommate and another of his friends and they tried to seduce us by watching anal porn. We left right away.

Older guys are awkward and creepy.

There is something predatory about an older guy chasing a young girl/woman

Screw loose

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they want to destroy the "innocence" it seems.

Just had a short fling with a20 year old man, I'm 38. Nothing physical happened but we got on really well and lots of flirting. I couldn't relax with the situation despite him saying he didn't care. I kept backing off then changing my mind he got sick of me worrying about what other people thought and messing him around and put an end to it. In reality it could never have worked he's just starting his life and I'm winding down so a lucky escape for both of us before we hurt each other
Posted by wecarealot
Personally, I would side-eye an older man who dates a girl that's not even out of college yet, unless she's mature to the point where she clearly seems older than she really is. There's something inherently creepy about an older guy seeking out a girl who's most likely at a stage in her life where she's especially insecure and unstable life-wise--so many college 20-somethings are fretting over what to do with their lives and what they're purpose is, etc. I would just have to wonder what a 40 or even 30-something year old would see in that. I look back at folks in college now, and they seem like babies. And I'm only 26.

I think even 20 somethings are questionable with teenagers. I get the appeal of a younger woman, but that's a "child". Even at 19 I still had a lot to learn. I am not saying that this is the case for every situation, but I feel like the younger someone is the easier chance of being manipulated. There are exceptions to that, for sure.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by wecarealot
I used to not understand why girls were into older men, but I kind of understand it now. For the most part--not always, of course--older men tend to be more secure and are probably more respectful. Guys in their 20s are probably just looking to date around. Again, this is by no means true 100% of the time, and I work with a lot of guys in their 20s who are actually quite commitment-oriented and nice, but I can understand a girl wanting to date older if she's surrounded by young douchebags. I think the creepy factor comes in when the older man is searching for a young woman so he can control/manipulate her. But that's also on the girl to either know better or live n' learn.

there are some men who never grow up though.

the other night, we were invited out for dinner, a family dinner with relatives out at a very nice restaurant.

the cousin is a very pretty libra sun/Scorpio mars/Scorpio moon/libra venus young woman, just entered 20s.

and it's our first time, along with the auntys to meet her new man, who we heard is an older man in his 30s.

we were like, omg.

and then her aunty said, "she wouldnt go for a boy her age, because he'd be too immature."

I saw her point.

Then after a long night of dinner and ordering starters, main course, wine, beers, desserts, coffee, tea, ect.

the big bill came. lol

her new guy and her invited us all out for dinner. So it's customary, without words that if they invite they pay for dinner.

The new man in his late 30s, said he's still in college, and he was wearing a t-shirt, jeans, very laid back.

he didnt even offer to pay at all. Libra niece took a little money out, to offer to pay for her part. lol

then my husband took the bill. 250 euros with tip.


what's the moral of the story????

dont presume that a guy who is 10-15 to 20 years older is mature enough.Laughing
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Truth. I have ran into full grown boys plenty....not just me but others I know.
Posted by lisabethur8
the age gap thing with the maturity doesn't seem to add up.

i thought since it's coincidental....

the younger relatives said, "well the waiters and waitresses took one look at her new man and said, "nope!! he's not the one to pay the bill"Laughing

and made a bee-line to my husband.



oh dear god. the night was kind of funny.

That's hilarious. I wonder what makes them decide who to give the bill to.
Posted by Arielle83
When I was 19, dan akyroyd tried to chat me up at a college bar in Ottawa.

No blues brothers please.

Then a 30 yr old was following me around every wks at the same bar. I finally hung out with him and my roommate and another of his friends and they tried to seduce us by watching anal porn. We left right away.

Older guys are awkward and creepy.

Lmao 😂😂😂😂 oh that old trick....I can't believe thr stalking and porn didn't work!!!
Posted by starlover
Posted by Arielle83
When I was 19, dan akyroyd tried to chat me up at a college bar in Ottawa.

No blues brothers please.

Then a 30 yr old was following me around every wks at the same bar. I finally hung out with him and my roommate and another of his friends and they tried to seduce us by watching anal porn. We left right away.

Older guys are awkward and creepy.

There is something predatory about an older guy chasing a young girl/woman

Screw loose

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I have lied about my age when I was younger, but it was never a year or two. But, honestly, I am sure people could look at me and tell I wasn't 18.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Posted by Arielle83
When I was 19, dan akyroyd tried to chat me up at a college bar in Ottawa..

Omg that reminds me of when I was like 13 and going to school, and this heavy black guy was sitting on his porch, and stopped me. He gave me a CD or mix tape, I don't remember? He's apparently a local rapper, and then asked if I wanted to come in the house, so he could 'fuck my ass a little bit' LOL!

I declinded, surpisingly, since I'm a slut, but I'm really tempted to post one of his music videos, now that I remember him LOL!
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Do it!