Birthday expectations?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by LibraLovesHim on Thursday, October 26, 2017 and has 5 replies.
What is yours from your significant other? Are you happy with nothing?Just a card? Are you upset if its a late prezzie? Do you want the full shabang, surprise party, cake, out to dinner, gift?

What's your needs/wants for your bday?
I once had ex Virgo tell me while I was at the mall "pick a card out and i'll write it for you" looool! I found it hilarious tbh and still talk about it to this day. Totally expected from him though, he was like ZERO relationship effort although very generous financially.
Posted by Timon
Something sweet from the heart. Rather have something small that comes from the heart than a big expensive gift that doesn't mean anything.

I like people to remember my birthday. And this seems to be hard for some people. Tongue

My parents forgot my birthday this year. Wasn't the first time either. Tongue
I am really crap with birthdays. In my whole fam I know my parents, 1 out of 4 sisters' and my bf lol! EEK!
Posted by Timon
Posted by Timon
Posted by LibraLovesHim
I once had ex Virgo tell me while I was at the mall "pick a card out and i'll write it for you" looool! I found it hilarious tbh and still talk about it to this day. Totally expected moe from him though, he was like ZERO relationship effort although very generous financially.
That is so bad lol.
I guess it's still better than having your significant forget about it completely. At least he remembered. Tongue

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Are your parents old or super busy?
I like to be surprised.. doesn't have to be the most expensive gift but not the cheapest one either lol I like when a man pays attention to details, the little things I like & need