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Aug 28, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 520 · Topics: 59
'philosophy, human nature, astrology or music from last century'
I would love to talk about these when I used to be a teenager so maybe it's not you, it's the girls you are meeting that are a bit shallow or not your type.
When you meet the right girl, I'm sure you won't feel this way.
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Mar 07, 2015Comments: 22 · Posts: 5162 · Topics: 88
And also. I doubt you are boring. The boring guys are those with no interests - you seem to have plenty. And this is comming from someone who is pretty easily bored.
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Feb 28, 2015Comments: 28 · Posts: 1067 · Topics: 48
Thanks so much everyone ! I really appreciate it.
Something I forgot to mention - I rarely laugh, or touch. Some of my friends laugh about any small thing they hear and they're very 'touchy', even with people they barely know, and the girls are all over them.
So I doubt whether it's me or the girls, I don't like to judge them for being shallow because entoushiasm and energy are (in my opinion) indeed great and attractive qualities.
It just feels weird to be so 'cold' and closed-off, because I don't feel that it's who I am. Like it isn't my true self. It feels like some sort of transformation (called puberty... Things will hopefullly fall in their place indeed), but I want to go back to the soulful kid I used to be. It's getting a bit offtopic now, lol.