Breaking up on impulse..

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by LibraAriesScorpio on Wednesday, February 5, 2020 and has 7 replies.
What zodiac sign/placement is most likely to break up on impulse?
Aquarius stellium. Not necessarily all Aquas. My bro is Aqua with Pisces moon who is making his dysfunctional relationship work and same goes for my Aqua sun and Libra moon cousin. Both of them have Pisces venus.

I break up all the time the moment I see slight crazy or bad behaviour. I want a peaceful and understand relationship at all costs. Then, they apologize and promise to never do it again, and we get back together. Rinse repeat x 2 chances.
Posted by nanorobot

Me. I’m always looking for a way out and rationalize with myself constantly that a relationship is more trouble than it’s worth and convince myself its a hinderance to me in the long run

X1000000K. This libra is gone when the honeymoon phase ends. In my mind there will always be another around the corner.
Taurus...I ran out of fingers counting the many times he broke up with me !

I partially blame his aries venus
Posted by ArilovesAqu

Aquas and Aries-we break up during every disagreement

My Aries ex wife and the Aries directly after were some of the hardest to split with along with Scorps. But the Aqua in my orbit seems cool and I hope she will be easy to part with. Fingers crossed.
Posted by ArilovesAqu
Posted by LibraSupreme
Posted by ArilovesAqu

Aquas and Aries-we break up during every disagreement

My Aries ex wife and the Aries directly after were some of the hardest to split with along with Scorps. But the Aqua in my orbit seems cool and I hope she will be easy to part with. Fingers crossed.

Wait I have so many questions lol.

Why were they hard to split with and why is an easy split your goal?
click to expand

The Aries fought tooth and nail to make it work, counseling and catering in a way that made them pushovers. The Aries rebound was so intense she had a PI to know my whereabouts into find the reason for my departure even though I told her in the beginning we would never be serious because of how we started the ship. I still cared for them dearly but only platonicly.

I like easy/peaceful splits because drama is not my cup of tea. I'm very caring and will easily express my feelings to not blind side anyone to prevent any further dismay. I do have a heart and have told them I was not worthy of wasting there time.

The Aqua in orbit seems to fit the bill in taking things lightheartedly in which I appreciate at this time.
Thanks @ArilovesAqua for your knowledge and insight it much appreciated. You seem very wise and your Aqua is lucky.