What zodiac sign/placement is most likely to break up on impulse?
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12440 · Topics: 2
Aquarius stellium. Not necessarily all Aquas. My bro is Aqua with Pisces moon who is making his dysfunctional relationship work and same goes for my Aqua sun and Libra moon cousin. Both of them have Pisces venus.
I break up all the time the moment I see slight crazy or bad behaviour. I want a peaceful and understand relationship at all costs. Then, they apologize and promise to never do it again, and we get back together. Rinse repeat x 2 chances.
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May 09, 2018Comments: 2 · Posts: 235 · Topics: 11
Taurus...I ran out of fingers counting the many times he broke up with me !
I partially blame his aries venus