I'm currently in a bit of a FWB situation with a Pisces with aqua venus and mars is still very new and so far going well but my concern is will he end up being to deattached for me. Looking for advice and/or experience on how someone with these placements
Are most Virgo men distant, cold, emotionless?? Super closet freaks??? Like crazy and off the charts freaky?????? I've run into my first Virgo (Sept 22) and I feel as if he is a different species. I'm a late Sept Libra and instantly found myself attracted
Dreamt that I was going to breast feed a newborn as he/she was hungry. I am not pregnant in real life nor want more kids. I was with a man that I know in real life, but we are not in a relationship. I think the baby was ours. Any thoughts on what m
I had just pulled one card online and she sais she also needs my bday and name so she can pull my charts...etc. So when email came she said I did the math with your data, using numerology, and I realized that you have a huge entrepreneurial capaci
SD semi-decile (18 degrees). There is insight here into ways to go beyond into other worlds. 1 degree orb, 2 degrees if Sun or Moon. UND undecim (32 degrees 43 min 38.2 sec) This little used aspect is 1/11th of the circle, which creates an irrational n