Cancer man of 37 here. I have two women in my life that are causing me some emotional issues, and I wanted opinions on the matter.
The first lady is a 24 year old Capricorn that smiled at me, and seemed to enjoy my attention at first. Then as I got to know her, I started joking around with her and goofing off, only to realize that Capricorns do not like to be picked on. Now, she acts upset by my attention at all, but if I ignore her she flirts with me! For example, all week I have ignored her, today she jumped playfully in front of me in at lunch and put her food in the microwave above mine and said, "Guess I will be on top of you this time!" I offered her a fork from the drawer (I said, "wanna fork or not?") and she acted as if she got all mad and stormed away.
The other lady is a Virgo aged 24. She acted very very interested in me, until I admitted that she was desirable. Then she went as cold as all get out. So, I thought, I would take the hint and leave her be. The more I ignore her, the more she tries to playfully (flirty) get my attention. So today, I stopped to talk to her on the way out, and she very coldly dismissed me saying, "You go on, I have work to do, and I wouldn't want to hold you up."
Signed Up:
Aug 11, 2017Comments: 17 · Posts: 197 · Topics: 8
My opinion would be to try dating women closer to your age. 37 is kind of ancient to a 24 year old, you're probably coming off as the creepy old guy.