My boyfriend pays $ 70.00 per week and $ 4,300 a year for High school tuition. His daughter is 15 yrs. old. His gross income is 48,000 a year. This amount is what he and his ex-girlfriend have decided is fair. She NOW it is too little. Again, this is an agreement between them and nothing has ever been taken to court. Do you all agree that this amount is too little? I happen to think it's fair-- but what do you all think?
most definately I think that is too little. The school is actual cost and no money goes to childsupport other than 70 $ /mo. Which is too little. But I gues that's up too them. There is no way I would except $ 70/mo for a kid from my husband when we finalize our divorce. Good luck to you guys. She can always take it to court and ask for more.
Does she make more than him??? That could be the case. If she does the court may very well decide that it is enough. If she is remarried that will be a factor too. She (daughter) is too old for daycare so that would not be a factor. It also matters where they live and the cost of living in that area. She would have to prove that there are extra expenses that she has incurred since the agreement was entered into to get an increase. Messy thing to get into.
The average is Cali is $ 425 per child per month. Of course, all things factored in as jaquio posted will determine that better. Sometimes, in the long run, it's just plain better to hash it out in court. The way I see it, he should provide for that child whatever she reason and reality, of course) should not be an issue. This coming from a mother of two with little to no help from their father.
BTW ~ Good point, Aprilbaby
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Apr 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 243 · Topics: 32
As far as I know the standard legal child support calculation is 18% of the fathers gross wage for the first child. 2 children is 24% and I forget the rest. The minimum amount is $ 100per month. Child support is meant to do just that Support the Child. It includes not only schooling, but food, clothing, reasonable recreation activities and housing.
Technically speaking, the Mom could go after him for more money (at least 8,640 total per year based on his yearly income), but no more than the legal limit.
It sounds like they have a pretty fair arrangement to me at this point. Best not to get involved though. Let The parents duke it out about who pays what. If the MoM wants to push it just be supportive to your man, ultimatly they will have to figure it out.