So I'm dating a Capricorn man and he has a girlfriend. He doesn't know that I know that he has a girlfriend. It's strange because we are always talking and see each other on the weekends. We talk throughout and he always text me goodnight, it's as if we are in love. He recently went away for work and the company didn't buy him a ticket back. He told me that he doesn't know how long he'll be in Texas. He also said that when he gets back to our city he doesn't know if he can stay. He confessed that he really really adores me and said that if he does move away that he'll fly me to the state or that he'll visit me. So my question that I'm asking is he telling me what I want to hear and Is trying to slowly disappear from my life or does he really care for me?
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
A person can't really be this dumb.
im a sagitarius even i cant sink this low
my ego wont allow me to date another womans man
this sagitarius seems obsessed
and serious psgchological issues.
and has serious psychological issues
If you want to get him in trouble send him your nudes on her birthday
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Sep 19, 2016Comments: 181 · Posts: 529 · Topics: 19
Why are you still with him? Bought up by his sweet words of expression? Leave for your own sake.
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 655 · Posts: 12418 · Topics: 3
Please have some self respect and stop entertaining a man already in a relationship. You're enabling his infidelity and you will be the loser at the end no matter what angle you look ar the situation from. If he leave the gf to be with you, then you're dating a cheater and even as a side piece you are losing getting his partial efforts .