Posted by Gobby"social media = websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.Posted by neves
Btw, DXP is a social media account as well.
Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum.
dxp may incorporate social media features, which wasn't the case in the past, but it's essentially a forum... 20a% 20% E2% 80% 9CForum% E2% 80% 9D% 2C% 20the,post% 20will% 20get% 20engaged% to expand
Posted by GobbyPosted by nevesPosted by GobbyPosted by neves
Btw, DXP is a social media account as well.
Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum.
dxp may incorporate social media features, which wasn't the case in the past, but it's essentially a forum... 20a% 20% E2% 80% 9CForum% E2% 80% 9D% 2C% 20the,post% 20will% 20get% 20engaged% 20with.
"social media = websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.
social networking = the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to one's own."
That being said, Yes - technically, forums are social media platforms as well. Those guys from that link you posted - are a bunch of idiots (bluntly put). I mean, seriously... "social media" - is a very simple term (even the name is self-explanatory: "social" + "media"). But hey, if Quora is the only source you trust - here:
I wouldn't, since Quora is an open platform where everyone can reply/answer a question - be it people who can prove that they know what they're talking about or complete idiots. Some have a thing for twisting words and forcing theories that have very little to do with the objective, and thus - on almost every stupid subject - you can find someone who agrees with you there - and that with a wall of text/theories (not just simple yes or no), like so...
Anyway, based on your theory... "Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum." - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform you can think of... is a forum (cause you can do just that - on most social media platforms). But that's obviously incorrect. Even tho, most forums are technically social media platforms - same can't be said the other way around (they're not all forums, or more accurately put - the forum option - is not part of their kit). As it's the case with "LinkedIn". I even know how those idiots - came up with that stupid answers, as in... they took into account the basic structure of an old school forum (for example: - and redefine it based on their own/personal understanding (look at it in a subjective way) - while dismissing/ignoring the actual meaning of a "social media platform (which again - IT'S SELF-EXPLANATORY)" .That's what idiots do... they shape their understanding of this world - based on their personal/subjective ideologies (way of thinking) - while dismissing/ignoring the actual definitions of a specific terms. 🙄
So yeah, be it that old school forum like version of DXP - or the newer version (where it copped some functions - from the biggest media platforms) - DXP always was and still is a social media platform (whether you like it or not).
But you conveniently forget that forums predate the term 'social media' by over a good decade...
All that people have done is lazily bundle them together under the same banner (while trying to create vague hybrids of some sort). Okay, fine, both are types of social platforms but the same could be said about any other platforms where interaction is involved, such as email clients and chat rooms.
The prime objective of a forum is to participate in board threads (i.e. discuss). Period.
The prime objective of social media is to build an audience, be it through friends, followers, etc. Any substantial discussion is secondary.
Btw, that link was a random one and I'm sure there are plenty of discussions about this to expand
Posted by 2LoV3Unless the "break-up" you're talking about was between you and your social media accounts then I, personally, don't really see much reason for going to such an extreme.
Has a bad break up every made you decide to delete your social media accounts? I don’t know if I’m over reacting
Did it make you feel better if you did?