Deleting social media accounts

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by 2LoV3 on Saturday, July 4, 2020 and has 8 replies.
Has a bad break up every made you decide to delete your social media accounts? I don’t know if I’m over reacting

Did it make you feel better if you did?
I’ve deactivated everything just to be alone and not be seen. Somehow break ups that hurts me deeply sends me into a place of solitude to lick my wounds. Also so I don’t see anything I don’t wanna see and I don’t want anyone to see me.....

But breaks are good process your own thoughts without distractions.

Btw, DXP is a social media account as well. And, since i joined this place (around 4.5 years ago) - i already witnessed more than a dozen users deleted their account - due to failed romances with other members. Then again, the actual number is probably at least 3x higher. I mean, it's not like i keep tab of everyone around this place (i'm only familiar with the active users - the ones who post on a daily basis).
no just blocking the person....

unless you liked their photo by mistake like I did and had to deactivate my account for a while lol
Posted by Gobby
Posted by neves

Btw, DXP is a social media account as well.

Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum.

dxp may incorporate social media features, which wasn't the case in the past, but it's essentially a forum... 20a% 20% E2% 80% 9CForum% E2% 80% 9D% 2C% 20the,post% 20will% 20get% 20engaged% 20with.
click to expand
"social media = websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

social networking = the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to one's own."

That being said, Yes - technically, forums are social media platforms as well. Those guys from that link you posted - are a bunch of idiots (bluntly put). I mean, seriously... "social media" - is a very simple term (even the name is self-explanatory: "social" + "media"). But hey, if Quora is the only source you trust - here:

I wouldn't, since Quora is an open platform where everyone can reply/answer a question - be it people who can prove that they know what they're talking about or complete idiots. Some have a thing for twisting words and forcing theories that have very little to do with the objective, and thus - on almost every stupid subject - you can find someone who agrees with you there - and that with a wall of text/theories (not just simple yes or no), like so...

Anyway, based on your theory... "Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum." - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform you can think of... is a forum (cause you can do just that - on most social media platforms). But that's obviously incorrect. Even tho, most forums are technically social media platforms - same can't be said the other way around (they're not all forums, or more accurately put - the forum option - is not part of their kit). As it's the case with "LinkedIn". I even know how those idiots - came up with that stupid answers, as in... they took into account the basic structure of an old school forum (for example: - and redefine it based on their own/personal understanding (look at it in a subjective way) - while dismissing/ignoring the actual meaning of a "social media platform (which again - IT'S SELF-EXPLANATORY)" .That's what idiots do... they shape their understanding of this world - based on their personal/subjective ideologies (way of thinking) - while dismissing/ignoring the actual definitions of a specific terms. 🙄

So yeah, be it that old school forum like version of DXP - or the newer version (where it copped some functions - from the biggest media platforms) - DXP always was and still is a social media platform (whether you like it or not).
Posted by Gobby
Posted by neves
Posted by Gobby
Posted by neves

Btw, DXP is a social media account as well.

Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum.

dxp may incorporate social media features, which wasn't the case in the past, but it's essentially a forum... 20a% 20% E2% 80% 9CForum% E2% 80% 9D% 2C% 20the,post% 20will% 20get% 20engaged% 20with.

"social media = websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking.

social networking = the use of dedicated websites and applications to interact with other users, or to find people with similar interests to one's own."

That being said, Yes - technically, forums are social media platforms as well. Those guys from that link you posted - are a bunch of idiots (bluntly put). I mean, seriously... "social media" - is a very simple term (even the name is self-explanatory: "social" + "media"). But hey, if Quora is the only source you trust - here:

I wouldn't, since Quora is an open platform where everyone can reply/answer a question - be it people who can prove that they know what they're talking about or complete idiots. Some have a thing for twisting words and forcing theories that have very little to do with the objective, and thus - on almost every stupid subject - you can find someone who agrees with you there - and that with a wall of text/theories (not just simple yes or no), like so...

Anyway, based on your theory... "Nope, any web platform where you start discussion threads about wherever topic is a forum." - Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media platform you can think of... is a forum (cause you can do just that - on most social media platforms). But that's obviously incorrect. Even tho, most forums are technically social media platforms - same can't be said the other way around (they're not all forums, or more accurately put - the forum option - is not part of their kit). As it's the case with "LinkedIn". I even know how those idiots - came up with that stupid answers, as in... they took into account the basic structure of an old school forum (for example: - and redefine it based on their own/personal understanding (look at it in a subjective way) - while dismissing/ignoring the actual meaning of a "social media platform (which again - IT'S SELF-EXPLANATORY)" .That's what idiots do... they shape their understanding of this world - based on their personal/subjective ideologies (way of thinking) - while dismissing/ignoring the actual definitions of a specific terms. 🙄

So yeah, be it that old school forum like version of DXP - or the newer version (where it copped some functions - from the biggest media platforms) - DXP always was and still is a social media platform (whether you like it or not).

But you conveniently forget that forums predate the term 'social media' by over a good decade...

All that people have done is lazily bundle them together under the same banner (while trying to create vague hybrids of some sort). Okay, fine, both are types of social platforms but the same could be said about any other platforms where interaction is involved, such as email clients and chat rooms.

The prime objective of a forum is to participate in board threads (i.e. discuss). Period.

The prime objective of social media is to build an audience, be it through friends, followers, etc. Any substantial discussion is secondary.

Btw, that link was a random one and I'm sure there are plenty of discussions about this elsewhere...
click to expand

That's like saying: that an Internet or Digital Library - cannot be a library... because the first library dates over 2 millennia and involves only physical objects - while the internet is not even a century old and involves digital content.

For the last time - the name of this term (social media) is self explanatory:

Social: relating to society or its organization - an informal social gathering, especially one organized by the members of a particular club or group


Media: the main means of mass communication (broadcasting, publishing, and the Internet) regarded collectively.


Aka... "websites and applications that enable users to create and share content or to participate in social networking."

Above meanings and above definition - does describe a forum (to a T).

Your subjective definition - is just something taken out of context. Building an audience is more relevant "for someone who aims/wants to becomes successful/famous" on a media platform. Not to mention - this aspect is more relevant "for specific platforms" compared to others (where platforms like YouTube and Instagram - are clearly in top of the list - for financial reasons/gains).

Can you say the same about "WhatsApp" - the 3rd most popular social media ap?! Or Messenger - the 4th most popular social media ap?!As far as i know - building an audience is clearly not the prime objective of this apps (what they're used for). Tho, since you have your own subjective definition/understanding of the term "social media" - i guess you don't even know the most popular social media apps...

User Submitted Image

(if you did - you wouldn't say such things)

Last but not least, some of the active DXP users - actually use DXP like Facebook: posting something on front page - for likes, giggles or for the sake of drama. Still, it doesn't really matter - since Facebook is just one example of a social media platform (it's indeed the most popular - but not the only example).
I've never added a boyfriend on social media : Facebook / Instagram.

I stopped adding people ages ago. I keep the same people and it's 98% family. My accounts are set to private. Always have been.

I don't understand people who believe social media is good for their relationships.

Keep your shit private. Less drama.
Posted by 2LoV3

Has a bad break up every made you decide to delete your social media accounts? I don’t know if I’m over reacting

Did it make you feel better if you did?
Unless the "break-up" you're talking about was between you and your social media accounts then I, personally, don't really see much reason for going to such an extreme.

Before I continue... I would like to say that I have not read anything that has been stated by you (or anyone else) aside from this initial post, so if anything I say or ask has already been addressed my apologies in advance.

So... Let's try to rationalize some common reasons people tend to use for deleting post break-up.

"I didn't/don't want them to be able to contact me."

Use the social media blocking/filtering to achieve the same thing. The only reason a person would have for not using these is if they were trying to shadow creep on that other person and know that they wouldn't be able to if they were to block them. If that is the reason someone has then, yeah, just... probably don't be that person. Haha

"I don't like what they're saying about the situation or the way they were making me look."

Don't read it. Use the aforementioned blocking / filtering features. Additionally, whether or not you're there is not going to inhibit them from being able to say anything, from others reading what they say, and from them forming whatever opinion they are going to form based off of what was said. It's just something you kind of have to deal with. (Also just another reason to ensure that you pick a quality person when entering in a relationship.)

"Seeing them hurts too much", "It's too emotional", or "There are too many memories"

Deleting a social media account does not delete the person, the emotions, nor the memories you've built with that person. Besides, trying to repress emotions and memories is unhealthy and will ultimately come back to bite you in the ass. Sure, that inconvenient truth doesn't make anything less daunting or emotional, but it's true nonetheless. Might as well keep the positive memories so that you're not only left with the bad ones at this point which you'd be trying to hide.

"It was a joint account"

Ummm... Then I guess it's a joint decision too? I don't know. I have nothing on this one. I believe joint accounts are silly to begin with, but to each their own.

Sure that's only a handful of reasons. like I said I haven't read any of that you've given so yours may be completely different from any of those that I've mentioned, but at the end of the day the question remains the same... "Is there a long-term, justifiable, reason for doing this or am I just doing this as a reaction?"

If you're able to be adult and honest enough wifg yourself in answering that question I'm pretty sure you'll have the answer you seek regardless of what your situation may be.

Good Luck. Remain Blessed.
