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Jun 16, 2017Comments: 110 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 7
There is alot of attraction with the one who is not like u
But ultimately in relationship i have seen its better if its some one like u
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Apr 23, 2016Comments: 511 · Posts: 2341 · Topics: 198
I agree. Opposites attract ..... and then drift apart. Opposites provide excitement for affairs and the butterflies in the stomach stage. But after that stuff, like similar goals and values become more important. And then it will require a long draining fight with lots of communication and discomfort to get both parties on the same page.
Plus nobody feels understood and connected.
I was with an aries women. It was painful. I am a careful laid back planner, I would even say timid, she is an aggressive daredevil go getter.
She thought she must kick me in the ass and I suffered because I cannot not bossy communication personal
because I am too sensitive for that. I felt emasculated and that my character is wrong and flawed. Took a lot
of selfdevelopment and soulsearching to get back on track. Now she regrets that she didnt try to understand
me instead of trying to dominate me and I cannot forgive her that.