Does this Capricorn guy like me and is there a chance ?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Me33y on Tuesday, January 16, 2018 and has 2 replies.
We met about a 5 weeks ago whilst travelling and slept together a couple of times. At the time I was married and in an open relationship. I have since then broke up with my husband and I still have strong feelings for this Capricorn. I am a cancer sign.

I am now living in a houseshare with him. I just can't tell if he likes me in a romantic way or as a friend. So I think he likes me in a non friend way and this is why:

-He has opened up a lot to me

-He likes to spend time with me

-He laughs with me

-He complimented my dress I was wearing

-And more recently I've noticed him just touching my arm or leg. For example he had a stone under his flip flop and asked to hold onto my shoulder for support even though I am sure he didn't need it. He also rested his arm on my leg when we were sat on the bed talking with his friend. I have recently gone away for a few days and he gave me a hug goodbye which lasted longer than a normal hug and he definitely stroked my back.

I don't know if I am just reading into these things too much or if he does like me. The only thing im questioning is the fact our relationship actually started on a one night stand ! Something I never have done before and haven't again since.... But im pretty sure Capricorns don't agree with that. I really like him and I want him to like me back. We were told by many whilst travelling that we made a cute couple ... Even though we weren't even together...

Another thing that makes me question his feelings is that he is a bit of a ladies man. He has slept with a lot of girls! And I mean a lot ! He is a good looking guy... But without being being vein I am good looking also (curves in the right places, blonde hair, blue eyes, very tanned and petite). But then on the other hand he has already slept with me twice ... So his aim surely isn't to get in my knickers? So I Capricorns are reserved people and don't show their true feelings to someone they like. We have only been reunited with each other for three days. So I know i have to be patient...

But the question still stands ... Am I waiting for something I am not going to get ? Should I just class the relationship as friends and move on...
This is a tough question. Since you mentioned he has slept with a lot of girls. But for my point of view, if a Capricorn man holds great interest in you. You will notice that he will always be there for you, chasing after you. Making jokes to make you laugh. Show you he is interested. And for a Capricorn, they do not like to open up many things to just anyone unless they really like you.

I am a cancer sign too and have dealt with Capricorn friends and men. I used to have a Capricorn bestfriend(but things got complicated two years ago) so I sort of understand ?

Recently I have this capricorn male Friend who Have been chasing me since I was in a relationship. He’s always there for me, even at my worst. And when he found out I recently broke up with my Aries ex, he started coming out more and confessed to me.

I think this guy likes you and you stand a chance but then again, just observe. Don’t fall too hard. I know we cancers can fall hard and get emotional because I am like that. Just observe how he is towards you. Give it some time and don’t rush. If you see he’s acting distant or flirting with others. Just drop it