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Jun 08, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 4581 · Topics: 75
I don't think there is anything wrong with asking for opinions or advice. If you aren't sure about something (or someone) figure it out. Even if all the advice they received was against me, whatever. The only way I think I'd have a problem with it is if I never knew they had a question. If it's someone I just meet, fine; but if we had been together for a bit and they want to know why I did something or what I'm thinking they should just ask me.
Would you fel slightly cheated or manipulated if you realised that your partner was just doing what us guys had told them to do?
Is this any different than guys talking to each other about you women like we do anyway. It'd probably be better for guys to ask stuff on here because we can get a female perspective too. Guys don't always give each other the best advice.
I'm more worried that my boss will stumble on the site on day and see the date/time stamps on my posts...
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Feb 26, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 8735 · Topics: 522
1. Picking the right username is important. If your username on this site is the same username you use on other sites your partner knows about then obviously you'll be "exposed" very quickly persay your partner decides to get on DXP
2. I would never put my personal photo up on this site. I kind of like the fact that everyone/everything is anonymous here. If people could get too much of a glimpse into who you are behind the computer, they'd start focusing on that & perhaps even cyber-bullying others. I like how things are now. I like the fact that I can come to this site, share my story/ask for advice & yet not even have to share 1 personal detail (that's irrelevant to my post) with my readers & STILL get just as good advice.
Not sharing too much personal information about yourself helps the people reading your posts not to be as biased as they would be persay they knew too much about you.
Plus, it's rare that you would be the ONLY person going through a certain kind of situation. Millions of people experience some of the same problems we all post about every day, so I'd hope that if my man just so happend to stumble across my posts, that he would think "wow, I'm not alone" vs. thinking that the poster must automatically be me, his partner.
I think it's important to leave certain specific details out of posts sometimes. Things like that person's name, their friend's names, the state/city they live in and/or any specific things that are VERY unique to the person you are talking about. Those things should be kept private just in case the person you're posting about joins this site.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
So, you decide that maybe the real people in your life might find out who you really are?
priceless ... where's tubby
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
Hmmm... well, my long-lost Virgo soulmate was on here for awhile, because I sent him the URL. He even made an account and some posts.. and I'm sure read everything I'd ever posted. Did I feel exposed? Sure... my "private thoughts" brought forth in black and white, including stuff about HIM. Did it truly bother me? No. I am who I am at all times, the good the bad and the ugly. I am without shame for being absolutely myself wherever I am.
I also sent my Sag BFF the name of the site.. don't think she ever came here, though. Or she never mentioned it. Again.. exposed, yes. Afraid, no. Wish she would -- she would SO crack all your asses up!
I told my RL Pisces friend, but I don't think she's all that interested in doing ALL THIS reading. She'd rather get the "highlights" from me. Astrology interests her, but not all that much. More like it *amuses* her, I guess.
I have SEVEN younger siblings... SIX of them are online regularly. I've mentioned DXP to them (esp the Libra).. and if any have joined, I haven't found them... though it would be BLATANTLY obvious that this "Nefer" person was me, no mistake. Again, I'm not afraid.
I have several FB friends from DXP... and they can see that I'm exactly the same at both places. I'm not much for gossiping or talking badly about people anyway.. and if I say anything "unflattering" about someone, I stand by my words as how I really feel. And I'm completely unashamed.
My Libra knows VERY well that I spend a lot of time on DXP... the browser history tells all. He still says Astrology is "bunk" and grins at me for my interest in it. Do I think he's clicked some of the links from the History and read them? I do, yes. Especially if they had titillating titles that would make him think he SHOULD see what I'm saying about him. One time, he mentioned something about "the way I talk about him online, like he's way more amazing than he really is".. I laughed and told him to make his OWN account on DXP and his OWN posts, if he wants to show he's also human and an asshole at times... and that it wouldn't be some big secret revealed. I'm sure NO ONE here believes I think he's perfect, cuz I don't. I just love him, flaws and all. Plus, we'd ALL (incl me!) LOVE to see the "other" pov on my relationship. Bring it!
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Jul 08, 2009Comments: 5 · Posts: 4081 · Topics: 4
Damn. He said, "I'd rather stick a fork in my eye than join some Astrology website." So I'm thinking that's a definite no.
I told him I'd like to see HIS pov on our relationship and so would others, and that his Libra Male advice would be SO welcome here. He said, "You underestimate yourself. You see right INTO me, and it's scary-accurate. YOU tell people about Libra guys." So that's a no, disguised as a compliment.
I asked him straight out if he'd read things I posted on here and he just grinned and said, "Oooh, finally something you don't already know?? HA! I'll never tell. Maybe, maybe not." So, that's a yes. Emphatically, that's a yes. Heh.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
This chic is fake .... if she was real, she wouldn't have any of these fears.
Funny as shit ... because always "acts" straight up and real .. I see now its her bullshit I keep smelling around here.