Posted by bawlikestogomooIf we stand back to back, we can fart inside of each other.
You can fart inside me
Posted by PinsAndNeedlesRight?Posted by Dread_Pirate_PhantaPosted by PinsAndNeedles
Isn't the first shared toot usually an accident, anyway?
Good opportunity to see who they really are. The sooner, the better. 😂click to expand
Posted by BlueStarHook it to their exhaust pipe.Posted by _DazedPosted by PinsAndNeedlesPosted by Dread_Pirate_PhantaPosted by PinsAndNeedles
Isn't the first shared toot usually an accident, anyway?
Good opportunity to see who they really are. The sooner, the better. 😂
You don't want to get 2 years into a relationship thinking that they don't fart.. because on 2 years and one day, when they let one rip, it's like.. they aren't who you thought they were. What else are they hiding from you?!
Then they get the to expand
Posted by FactCheckWhat if you fart in an open plan kitchen?
I'm sorry someone made you feel like you couldnt release CO2 when a build up could potentially kill you. Let em rip when its comfortable for you and let the past trauma be released with them. *turns on aromatherapy humidifier*
Posted by BlueStar"seen me fart"Posted by Dread_Pirate_PhantaPosted by _DazedPosted by PinsAndNeedlesPosted by Dread_Pirate_PhantaPosted by PinsAndNeedles
Isn't the first shared toot usually an accident, anyway?
Good opportunity to see who they really are. The sooner, the better. 😂
You don't want to get 2 years into a relationship thinking that they don't fart.. because on 2 years and one day, when they let one rip, it's like.. they aren't who you thought they were. What else are they hiding from you?!
There was a girl in my high school who claimed she never farted. What a ding-dong. That's still the first thing I think of when I think of her.
I’m not gonna say that I don’t fart but no one has ever seen me to expand
Posted by _DazedLol my Libra bestie in high school held em in too much so she would fart in her sleep next to her boyfriend lolPosted by PinsAndNeedlesPosted by Dread_Pirate_PhantaPosted by PinsAndNeedles
Isn't the first shared toot usually an accident, anyway?
Good opportunity to see who they really are. The sooner, the better. 😂
You don't want to get 2 years into a relationship thinking that they don't fart.. because on 2 years and one day, when they let one rip, it's like.. they aren't who you thought they were. What else are they hiding from you?!click to expand
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatchLmao! That’s why you don’t hold em in!!!!
We don't do that in front of each other.
However, a couple months ago, in the middle of the night he did a lot and very loud....while he was sleeping.
I was disturbed for like three days but I never told him why 😭😭😭😭
Posted by BlueStarI am die 8(Posted by bawlikestogomoo
You can fart inside me
@dxpnet ban this monsterclick to expand
Posted by _DazedI have some N95 masks so we can practice safe breathingPosted by bawlikestogomoo
You can fart inside me
If we stand back to back, we can fart inside of each to expand
Posted by _DazedPosted by FactCheck
I'm sorry someone made you feel like you couldnt release CO2 when a build up could potentially kill you. Let em rip when its comfortable for you and let the past trauma be released with them. *turns on aromatherapy humidifier*
What if you fart in an open plan kitchen?click to expand
Posted by bawlikestogomoowhat?
You can fart inside me
Posted by twinkletoesYou can get sloppy seconds 8)Posted by bawlikestogomoo
You can fart inside me
what?click to expand
Posted by Dreamy88That's really not too comforting because it sounds like you two are gay-tastic.
This isn't what it sounds like, but
My coworker tried to sit on my hand when I had my hand on a desk so I stuck my finger out so it would poke his butt hole. Then he farted on my finger and smiled.
The next day, he went to lunch in the locker room. I stood next to him and gave him the loudest clappy fart. Then I scooped the air and threw it at him.
Revenge is best served warm and moist
Posted by bawlikestogomoo
You can fart inside me
Posted by Dreamy88*giggles hysterically like a 5 yr old*
This isn't what it sounds like, but
My coworker tried to sit on my hand when I had my hand on a desk so I stuck my finger out so it would poke his butt hole. Then he farted on my finger and smiled.
The next day, he went to lunch in the locker room. I stood next to him and gave him the loudest clappy fart. Then I scooped the air and threw it at him.
Revenge is best served warm and moist
Posted by Arielle83Pregnant belly pics please
My partner never farts in front of me.
I’m pregnant and just going with it even more now.
Plus I’m eating a lot of Kale and mesculan salad mix
Posted by Arielle83Omg congratulations!!! So happy for you!
My partner never farts in front of me.
I’m pregnant and just going with it even more now.
Plus I’m eating a lot of Kale and mesculan salad mix