Have you ever spent time with a person even though you knew the relationship couldn't go any futher than the little time you both shared???... Well that's my situation. I have fallen in love with a man that I had no business messing around with in the first place and it's impossible for us to have anything more than stolen moments..... Now he wants to call it quits due to the fact that our relationship could never grow but I want to keep seeing him if only for those moments cause I love him. He has asked me leave him alone but when I try, I always end up calling or texting him and if I don't, he will end up calling me, not to hang out or be together, just to talk but, I can't handle it cause I want what we have always had. I don't know what to do or say to him cause it's unfair to ask him to stay in a relationship that will never go anywhere, but the fact that I love him, I don't want to let go.... I believe he cares for me but shy's away from spending any quality time or hanging out and if I press the issue he gets upset. I have never been in a situation like this before, I know the simple answer is to leave it alone but it's not so easy when ur heart is involved... Please help
Signed Up:
Mar 18, 2012Comments: 3 · Posts: 676 · Topics: 26
um...are u two in like some secret affair? Haha if that's the case, only a libra can make some random dirty affair sound Oh so romantic!lol
@ rose... I have to chuckle at ur comment but ... Secret... Yes seems that way.... Although neither one of us are presently attached, It's complicated.... We have some mutual family & friends and as silly as it sounds for two adults, there would be many of them dissappointed to see us together. There is a history I would rather not get in to but never the less... I think he has decided that to get all emotionally involved would hurtful and simply a waste of time in the end,, while I on the other hand have already fallen... I really wish he felt diffrently... Man oh Man, this is horrible...
Whatever his feelings for you he doesn't want a relationship with you. So you have a choice. Spend the rest of your days pining for what might have been, or take the pain now and break with him. Free yourself for meeting other potential partners. I can think of men in the past I didn't think I could ever get over, and low and behold I can't even remember his last name now. LOL. It's hard, and it will take time, but he is not the one for you.
Your right LibaRose... And it is hard. I am trying to shake this... He called yesterday out of the blue said he just wanted to check on me, I appreciated that but it only confused me more and helped to fuel my feelings... I didn't have the nerve to ask him not to call anymore so I could start healing cause part of me wished his call was regarding him having a change of mind... I know... I know... It's just gonna take some time.
Right!! BF24.... And it was like he was trying to fill me out in his call... It's almost like he really doesn't want me to let go, and wants to keep me holding on for some reason because he is struggling to let go too.... It seems that maybe he is tossed between careing for me while tring not to cause knowing there is no future.... Because if not, why call at all if u want to be done?? When I'm done, I'm done, no need for any calls no time Or maybe like Libra rose said, I'm reading to much into it... Climax, right!!... yes, yes, yes, love it!!
Signed Up:
May 25, 2012Comments: 122 · Posts: 5590 · Topics: 41
Usher's a Libra btw lol. When youve loved so strongly and it is real. It is very difficult to let go of and get over. As much as we want the pain to dissipate as soon as possible, in the end, it takes time and healing. The trick is...life happens. Unless youve changed cities, numbers,email, etc, you will at some point run into that person or they will contact you. Its like it written in life's script when it comes to breakups. If it happens too early, the process starts all over again.
No Caligula... Mutual meaning everyone knows eachother... Only a woman who looks like ur picture could grab what I said and make such an assumption... That pic might not be the real u but I'm sure ur look isn't far from it... Get you mind right honey.... Geeesh