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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
When people are in a relationship, oftentimes, they get upset about their partners wanting, needing .. to find experiences with other people outside of the relationship. And I'm not talking about sex specifically here, rather, just talking, or sharing, enjoying the company of another person ..... and their partner immediately believes that it must mean they are being cheated on, that their partner is trying to hurt them in some way.
To Ladies: Why can't your man go have lunch with a female friend or give her an affectionate peck on the cheek? Why can't he love to have a heart-felt talk about life with her, or share with her what is happening in his world, or go to the movies together?
I honestly don't see where this is any reflection on how he regards his intimate partner.
Why can't a friend of a man, be just that ... even if this friend is female?
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Aug 21, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1660 · Topics: 107
well an aries woman could not deal with any of that!
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Sep 12, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 633 · Topics: 59 depends on the relationship...and the honesty...and the understanding that you come to me before you go to your female friend about any problems 'we' are having...then there is the fact like bijou said that most of my male friendships began as because they were...are...attracted to me but i'm not attracted to them and thats what keeps it a friendship so to speak...
To Ladies: Why can't your man go have lunch with a female friend or give her an affectionate peck on the cheek? Why can't he love to have a heart-felt talk about life with her, or share with her what is happening in his world, or go to the movies together?"--- It becomes a problem when those things aren't being done with me or being done with me more or as well... and are used as a means around our communication gaps...
I'm secure but I draw a line between being secure and being naive...
I honestly don't see where this is any reflection on how he regards his intimate partner.""--- Thats if he is regarding his intimate partner...
Why can't a friend of a man, be just that ... even if this friend is female?""-- It long as it is just that...I actually like my guy to have a homegirl cause I get someone new to hang out with...
For me though the thing is I want my guy to become my best friend as well as my love and I want to be his also...I think that sometimes we fail to combine the two lover/partner & friend...
First, I think any male-female relationship will always have some undertones of attraction, at least in the beginning.
That aside, for me, a man can have lunch with a female friend and peck or hug. It is only a problem if he acts in a way that appears to put the other friend first, or if there are other trust issues. It shouldnt be a problem if the relationship is healthy and he has his priorities straight. (AKA .. I seriously need him today but he chooses the friend = bad. Hmm but that would go for a same sex friend too)
"Fire is really fun to play with though"
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Sep 28, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 7602 · Topics: 89
* To Ladies: Why can't your man go have lunch with a female friend or give her an affectionate peck on the cheek? Why can't he love to have a heart-felt talk about life with her, or share with her what is happening in his world, or go to the movies together?
My boyfriend does it all the time. I have never even given it a second thought. I am actually becoming very good friends with some of his female friends. I am very excited about an upcoming "date" with one of them.
People are just people.
There is only one that I feel the least bit threatened by and that is because I think she is fabulous. I have a bit of a girl crush. lol!
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Nov 08, 2006Comments: 37 · Posts: 4746 · Topics: 283
Have to agree with dward here. Personally, i don't think it's so much about insecurites, competition or threats. Those are more exuses than anything. If you're at work together, hey that's okay. We all talk. Pecking cheeks and going to movies sans your significant other..i don't think so. LOL
First include your (BEST) friend, aka.. your signicant other, and then everyone else is welcome, have a party.