friends w benefit, arranged marriages, poly...

Hey, Please don't judge or criticise, I just need help from people with open minds. So I am in a strange situatio...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by PiscesLeoAquarius on Sunday, August 16, 2009 and has 59 replies.
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Posted by P-Angel
By the way .. it's not the Piscean way to chase a man down to get him to fuck her ... it is a sluts way, though.

I'm guessing you're not a feminist by your use of the term "slut". Have you stepped out of the 1950s?!?
Hmm i think both of you are from the same side of a coin, but why the unhappy disagreement?@PiscesLeoAquarius I refer sexually prosmiscuous people as sluts too because it is much simpler and that is what is said on wiki, etc but that does not mean that i am a feminist smile.
I meant "but that does not mean that i am a feminist."
Posted by P-Angel
"I usually make up random ages in every post so that the guys aren't easily identifiable."
Of course, because it matters in here, since we are all completely identifiable ....

"I often post things and screw with the dates and facts and ages to make it less identifiable."

I'm really glad you said that twice ... otherwise, I might not have been convinced of it.

Posted by P-Angel
Poor Pisces people .... they are so fucked up.

Posted by P-Angel
Shall we start a pity party on their behalf?

Don't worry, we can change our ages so nobody will be able to identify us?
I'm picking 29 for the party.
click to expand

I don't care what anyone says, P-angel.
I love you.
I'll pick 29, too.
Really awesomely good, dry sarcasm is wasted on most ... I'm glad you are able to get me ... only a few on dxp can distinguish the difference.
However, I'm not really perturbed by that ... because it's those who can't get it, and get their panties wadded up their butts that make this place enjoyable.
I forgot about this post ... lol, it's threads like this that makes being a member here worth it.
Would love to hear where she is at 3-4 years on Tongue
A few things:
Is polyamory allowed within the confines of his tribal marriage, or would sex with you be considered cheating? If extracurricular activities are not allowed, it's simply not ok for you to be a part of causing chaos in the lives of his wife and (eventually) children. He has a responsibility to other people now.
If it is allowed, then you have to ask yourself if you're willing to live life as an afterthought. You have indicated that you are, so:
How long are you willing to put yourself in this position? You know this situation is going to end in heartbreak, so you just need to figure out how much time you're willing to give it. If you don't need a committed relationship or a family of your own anytime soon, then you could throw several years or so away. But, if you would rather invest those years in what you really want out of your future, it might make sense to make other choices.
This thread is from 2009.. either she is his mistress now, wallowing in sorrow, or she smartened up and is maybe married with her own children now.
She's a Pisces .... do you honestly expect a Fish this delusional to be able to smarten up?
the Fish Swimmming in Opposite Directions:

1. you're an idiot from birth to death - due to living exclusively in a bubble of illusion
2. you are self aware from birth to death - not having the shroud of illusion wrapped around you

She is #1