Guys whats your view on Friends With Benefits?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by xScorpioGirlx on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 and has 27 replies.
Would it ever be more or is more u want to have ur cake and eat it?
Lol this is awesome.
I'm not a guy but ....
Just my opinion, some people like FWB while others pretend that they like FWB. All depends really. I don't care what someone else does but I don't see the logic in it nor do I see the sense -- from a sexual point of view, its fine but beyond sex, there's no point.
My opinion though.
Posted by venusianbull

Epic xD This is a winner
ahahahaha I just can't get over how classic this is.


I still want one of those! ROFLOL
^ The shirt.
They're great but tend to get complicated. Emotions always get in the way. If both ppl are open with their communications, it can work.
Sooo glad I learned when I was younger. Thank you Thank you Thank you .. A BIG fucking thank you to the Gemini-Cancer cusp guy from years back.
I hated you but now I love you xD
Posted by CappyLuv30
They work until someone catches feelings.
Therefore, they are unrealistic because none of us are rocks.
And no it is never more......and if it is, the cases are that ever happened are VERY rare.

Exactly, none of us our rocks, no matter how we try to pretend Winking Sex can only go so far for some people ^_^.
I get board easily so FWB is not for me, I need more to keep me entertained, I have a far out brain.
Just sex and that's it. You know it's sooo common now, FWB will get the title of *lame* pretty soon, I know it xD
Tried it ended up in the relationship I'm in now.
Woohoo, romance!
I have been offered one of these before... It still hasn't happened. Straight Face

a friend receives: my love, my attention and affection, my honest opinion, shares my secrets and i his/hers, gets a birthday present, goes out to the movies with me, sleeps at my house, eats at my house, i borrow time and money too, take care of their kids, pets etc, they have my back and i theirs. those are the benefits of a friendship.

i concur. i've a scorpio moon. i'm just not capable. xoj
um. well, scratch that. i'm capable. just wouldn't be a good idea.
i've had friends who could do it, though. the women always get hurt because they really desire more and think he'll come around, and the men always move on to be with women who they think would never be a fwb.
hey pesca~ wow.... pisces/scorp? bless your heart. smile xoj
Fuck buddys is usually what causes the problems because to begin with there is nothing there but the sex, but friends with benefits, to me, can easily work aslong as neither want a relationship.
I had a Fuck buddy that turned into a FWB and I ended up falling for him, but that was because we met on a sexual level and then became friends, and I realised I really liked him. The other way round (friends first who sleep together basically because there horny and dont want to sleep around) I can easily deal with.
The guy im currently seeing used to be a FWB. Then he decided he wanted to be with me properly so now were giving it a go (very slowly!) to see if we work as a couple, his idea not mine so I guess some guys end up wanting more. Then again he is a Cancer and in my experience they seem to have a harder job just doing the whole non commital thing.
Posted by amethyst2002
^ what if they're really hot?

I think guys would be completely 100% ok with it IF things didn't always get complicated. If men could spend the rest of their lives getting all of their needs met WITHOUT the commitment & without the drama that comes from NOT having the commitment lol, I think they'd prefer FWB over commitment/marriage any day.
Hell, it seems that alot of men only commit b/c that's the only way they can get all the "benefits" from the person who got them whipped. It's almost like they think, "Ok honey, in exchange for me freakin' finally commiting to you (sigh), you better give me some good ole benefits! You owe me!"
See ..
I was in a FWB type situation before BUT I DIDN'T KNOW IT! So to me it doesn't count, so that's way in the past I've said I've been been in a FWB type thing Winking

See, he had me convinced I was like his girlfriend or whatever but when I wasn't around I was just the cool chick that lets him do *other*things too. When I discovered this was the type of game he was, I was not happy, not happy at all. Yes, I was pissed out of my mine.
Simply I don't like just being put in a situation involuntarily, the douche knew I wouldn't go for friends with benefits so he tricked me into it, in typical asshole fashion.
Thank goodness, I was able to find out the truth; through a very reliable resource.
I can't say we broke up because things weren't the way I thought but I left him alone and I did everything in my power to make sure he couldn't contact me anymore.
Gawd damn it! Don't make decisions for me, I don't like it smile
Its not just, "Friends with Benefits" as the term implies. Its easy to miss the words, "And Risks" in the fine print within the fine print within the fine print at the end.
Been in 2. The first one lasted a year but i broke it off. there were many reasons but a big one is that he was confused as to what he wanted and it kinda messed with me. he kept saying that he was trying to make me his gf, and even tried to make it official one night, but then would take it back after coming to his senses.
The 2nd one is now my bf. I started seeing him when I was with the other guy. My bf didn't want to be just FWB but I wasn't ready yet so he waited for me. I even asked him just last night why he stuck around if he wasn't getting what he wanted. He said he knew I would come around to see that it was him I loved.
Posted by PandorasBox
Man.. I dont like this whole fwb thing. I dont knock the peeps who do it, its just not for me. wish it were my style , i mean who wouldnt love to get some left n right.. But honestly, I want the whole package, the whole person to myself. emotional, sexual, EVERYTHANG!

FWB has been around for a long time I have several ladys who like it. They see no need to take the relationship futher so why should I. It even better if some of your lady friends or Bi sexual.
In reality until you committ fully, thats simply what dating is. Being in limbo. Youre more than acquaintances but not officially together. Most people can tell if omething more is going on between you than just bring "friends." I look at it this way, if we're close and we're having sex then we're dating. The problem is people try say " oh we're not together, but I don't want you sleeping with anyone else." What?!!
It won't work if you don't embrace the possibility of it ever growing into more from the very beginning. I think friends with benefits is really a phase that people are trying to turn into a permanent state and that's what kills it, but really most relationship starts in a friends with benefits manner. It's the phase in most relationships where you enjoy and respect each other not really knowing what tomorrow will bring.