Have you ever been with a sign you're not supposed to be compatible with?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by angie2080 on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 and has 15 replies.
I'm a Cancer and my boyfriend is a Libra. Yes, we're not a good match according to astrology but we're still together. We have little arguments here and there but we keep getting back together all the time. It seems like we can't let go of each other.

It's funny because I dated a Scorpio but he treated me so badly. And astrology says Scorpio is my soul mate. 🤔 Really???? I think something's not right here.

I feel really happy and stable with my Libra man. I know he has a lot of air in his chart but he doesn't act like a true Libra. He wants a serious relationship and loyalty is important to him. I was frustrated at the beginning because our signs are not compatible but I think I should stop obsessing over astrology. Maybe not everything is accurate as we think it is.
I’m a Scorpio currently dating a Gemini. How dat happen?
Posted by angie2080

I'm a Cancer and my boyfriend is a Libra. Yes, we're not a good match according to astrology but we're still together.

My boyfriends cancer mom is married to a libra. They’re great together!
Sun sign astrology is bs, first of all.

And yeah, I'm with a gemini which should mean death to pisces but I'm still here, shrug.

If you let friends, family, faceless internet strangers tell you 'who' you should be with...prolly won't pan out to well in the long run. Chemistry and compatibility is what it is, time of birth and location isn't going to change a good thing.
Ive not yet learned my lesson with Aries. But hey ho...they just attract me like a moth to a flame.

#singednotburned.... not enough yet anyway.
Not compatible ? Itls a square...theres potential... If the other stuff coincides...what about Saturn?
Two Caps are supposed to butt heads frequently. Power/control struggle or whatever. But...I’ve gotten along best with them. It’s so...natural and we understand each other.
Dated a few cancer women myself, had a few more attractive to me but I was going out with someone else so i had to turn them down.
Yes alot, signs is just a convo starter to accomplish my goal. There are no signs that I can't sway to my desire. It's all mumbo jumbo unless you're looking for a longterm prospect i assume.
My star sign is Cancer and my boyfriend is a Libra. We've been together for a year and are inseparable. We love each other so much.

I don't think astrology is too reliable. It may be good for understanding personality but it should not dictate our future.
Posted by Whorpio

I’m a Scorpio currently dating a Gemini. How dat happen?
They say Gemini is the out going Scorpio. I'm not sure how that affects me considering both of my signs are Gemini and Scorpio. Lol

My closest female friends are Scorpio, Gemini and Pisces. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Posted by blvckphvse

Leos typically are not considered compatible with Geminis, but I have the most harmonious relationships and friendships with those dudes. They have the BEST energy Love
Leo's are a lot for me, I have a very close gf whom I love but sometimes it's very hard to communicate bc she can be so stubborn. I feel like I have to walk on egg shells, at times. 😑
Posted by Black-Mamba

your moons?
Yeah, I would be curious to see what their other placements are.
Posted by WateryGem
Posted by Whorpio

I’m a Scorpio currently dating a Gemini. How dat happen?

They say Gemini is the out going Scorpio. I'm not sure how that affects me considering both of my signs are Gemini and Scorpio. Lol

My closest female friends are Scorpio, Gemini and Pisces. 🥰🥰🥰🥰
click to expand

So true! He definitely seems like an outgoing Scorpio, or just an introverted Gemini Tongue
I dont attract the signs I'm suppose to be comparable with like Aries and Sags. But I attract a lot of water signs. Cancers Pisces and Scorpios. I also attract Virgos. I think it has to do with my Pisces moon and Cancer Mars tho