Posted by MrsElleCappysnatchHow can you stop it in compromising positions?Posted by _Dazed
@MrsElleCappysnatch Don't lie
I can't in front of people. I would be to expand
Posted by _DazednvmPosted by MrsElleCappysnatchPosted by _Dazed
@MrsElleCappysnatch Don't lie
I can't in front of people. I would be mortified.
How can you stop it in compromising positions?click to expand
Posted by MrsElleCappysnatchPosted by _DazedPosted by MrsElleCappysnatchPosted by _Dazed
@MrsElleCappysnatch Don't lie
I can't in front of people. I would be mortified.
How can you stop it in compromising positions?
I didn't realise this was a different thread.
Yes, it has happened. I was embarrassed and traumatized. End of story. 😪click to expand