Posted by KoniuchaPosted by bawlikestogomoo
I wasn't into men until I met DonJohnson. He was my first, and he opened me up. Ive been gaping since then
Oh youclick to expand
Posted by Gem20ReduxPosted by RosellaB
@Gem20Redux no she's nothing like me... I think, we're total opposites, outside and inside, even by sign
Interesting. Pretty neat. What are the lovebirds signs? Lolclick to expand
Posted by RosellaB
I've always been straight and I am but I'm kind of attracted to my sorority president. It's the only girl I ever felt and thought this way of, like I fantasize about her all the time, kissing me and seducing me. But I also wish she was a guy at the same time so I can have sex with her. This is so confusing and since I'm a freshman I'm still going through initiation and I have to say her greeting every time i see her and it makes me feel weird to be so close to her and she always gives us this flirty smile and i'm not the only straight girl who is a freshman to have a crush on her, its the majority of us and i dont know what to do
Posted by RosellaB
@Gem20Redux no she's nothing like me... I think, we're total opposites, outside and inside, even by sign
Posted by SpiceNSugarPosted by RosellaB
@Gem20Redux no she's nothing like me... I think, we're total opposites, outside and inside, even by sign
Does she represent what you'd like to be? Do you feel a lot of admiration towards her?click to expand
Posted by Goldigold
Does the same attraction happen with the men? Just wondering
Posted by BullShit
I hope you did well on your finals rosellaB, speaking of you have them coming up soon! I hope you're studying young lady!!
Posted by Infinite8Posted by Impulsv
I gues the attraction between Scorpio n Taurus transcends even gender.
A Taurus girl a work pursued me hard at work. She gave me this look like a wolf salivating, the first moment I met her. I knew immediately something was up... she was staring BIG TIME. Day after we met, she would come to my office to visit every day, and strike up a convo. Then she confessed she had a secret she wanted to tell me... she was into women, but no one at work knew. I wondered why she chose to confide that in me.
Then takes me to lunch and confessed her feelings for me. It's as if she had undressed me, describing how she was attracted to everyone of my features from top to bottom. It was THE MOST uncomfortable experience of my life. I told her I wasn't interested in women... but she was determined to convert me. It was that determination that made me angry and I stopped talking to her. Felt like she ignored my wishes to leave the lesbian connection alone and just be friends.
She was possessedclick to expand
Posted by Gem20Redux
Does she resemble you in some way? Maybe that could be it. Or possibly its because you've bottled up feelings and they're now coming to surface as you age/mature into your "womanhood" self.
Does she have sort of an androgynous look akin to Ruby Rose? Every chick and dude probably has felt something for that beautiful creature haha.
Posted by Infinite8Posted by Impulsv
What the word it's not genderism but soulism. A soul connection is beyond mere gender
Soulism is fine... but, if it's soulism, one wouldn't get sexual feelings from it... just a strong connection. This has happened a lot to me, I tend to put a lot of weight on the soul and energy. But, I don't get turned on. I just love and care and connect to expand
Posted by Gem20ReduxPosted by RosellaBPosted by Gem20ReduxPosted by RosellaB
@Gem20Redux no she's nothing like me... I think, we're total opposites, outside and inside, even by sign
Interesting. Pretty neat. What are the lovebirds signs? Lol
there are no lovebirds signs, just weird inner feelings on my side. Also fear
Haha no. What's her sign, and what's your sign? Like to expand