Posted by cowpuncherPosted by starlover
NEVER EVER wait around for a man
Likewise... Gents - Don't be jerked around or led on a leash... or expected to be the only one who puts for *any* effort early on.
Speaking as a guy, I just have no time or desire to play this tired old waiting game song and dance about contact. What a waste of time. There are a million more important things to worry about than who passes a note to whom first in 8th grade study hall to expand
Posted by Caplove
I don't know. If you like the guy and had a nice date, I don't think there's anything wrong with sending a "thank you" text to let him know you had a fun time and enjoyed his company.I did this when I genuinely liked the guy and if he doesn't call/text back THEN I have my answer. I just keep it lighthearted and fun and not serious.
Guys need some encouragement as well and it can be hard for them to pluck up the courage to ask for dates. I guess you just have to go with your gut because everyone's different.
Posted by NicroblizPosted by Europesaggy
Suppose you want to act kind of cool, but not ?_bercool. So you want to let someone know you'd like to see them again, without seeming to eager or needy. How long after a date can you contact someone without seeming the clingy needy type?
But you're 40 years to expand
Posted by truecapPosted by NicroblizPosted by Europesaggy
Suppose you want to act kind of cool, but not ?_bercool. So you want to let someone know you'd like to see them again, without seeming to eager or needy. How long after a date can you contact someone without seeming the clingy needy type?
But you're 40 years old...
What does age have to do with anything??
Yes, we should be more confident and sure of ourselves at our ages and games shouldn't factor in. But you have to admit there is still a protocol to dating. And at our age group it is probably more confusing about following proper protocol because we have the old school ways in which we grew up versus the new ways which we are having to learn (well, I did after divorce). The men are either REALLY old school or very new age. It's hard to know what to expect and what they to expand
Posted by Nicrobliz
Even if dating protocol is prevalent today, everyone has their own individual take on it. No-one's a mind reader, so all you have is intuition and personal experiences to fall back on.
By the age of 40, one would think that most people wouldn't need to ask a question that most twenty-somethings ponder over constantly (and understandably).
Posted by Nicrobliz
Even if dating protocol is prevalent today, everyone has their own individual take on it. No-one's a mind reader, so all you have is intuition and personal experiences to fall back on.
By the age of 40, one would think that most people wouldn't need to ask a question that most twenty-somethings ponder over constantly (and understandably).
Posted by NicroblizPosted by Europesaggy
I would have been fine with accepting that opinion if you would have brought it in a non-judgemental way. It's the tone that makes the music ( literally translated from french c'est le ton qui fait le musique). And apparently you prefer to lash out. Which I think is totally unnecessary, I prefer a level of politeness, even in cyber space.
If a 40 year-old woman can't understand that being natural is the best approach, while acknowledging that the success of a date is in no way dependent upon when she contacts the man, she's truly a lost cause.
But you continue strategising and plotting like a silly little to expand
Posted by NicroblizPosted by Europesaggy
One would think somebody should not judge so easily of how somebody should be by the age of 40.
At least I don't pretend to be a know-all and totally self-assured pretender. Yes, I do have uncertainty about some things. I'm happy to have them. It's only human you know.
End of rant. *Gets off soap box*
Back to topic.
We were always on topic - *you* just can't deal with it...
Hence your rant where, like a typical woman who felt she has been wronged (or judged), you twist things to make *yourself* look better. dxp is rife with such examples, and it's rather sad when some female members get all defensive about certain truths they prefer not to face up to. *shrugs*
We all have uncertainties, even myself. However, at 40, a certain degree of maturity is naturally expected, whether you like it or not. And I'm not referring to the superficial aspects most people place far too much importance on, such as job position, wealth and property/car ownership. This is all about a genuine character-building form of maturity that money can't buy.
Whatever happened to common sense, eh?click to expand
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