How many of you have retained childhood/college friendships?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by Double_trouble_29 on Friday, May 20, 2016 and has 3 replies.
I was watching friends and I wondered if people these days have such close knit groups?
People these days don't thanks to superficiality and desperation.

My childhood bestie and I are still friends to this day. It helps that we were born four days apart and are first cousins. In fact, I'll be going to Italy with her soon.

My other bestie has been my friend since grade 8, but I've known him since grade 3. We hang out on a weekly basis.

I just met someone at my current workplace who I know will be in my life for years to come. This guy has left a footprint on my heart. I consider him my family and will most probably get him to walk me down the aisle when I do get married.
3 smile

One friend is my close friend since 5th grade.

Other two close friends since 7th grade.