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Apr 15, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 512 · Topics: 71
This has happened to me many times: I'll talk to a guy and they disappear. Then come back. Then disappear again. I have a guy who I talked to 2 years ago randomly messaged me on facebook. I've been reading on numerous site to "make them start over" but how do you even do that? Act like nothing happened? Get to know each other all over again?
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Apr 01, 2012Comments: 1 · Posts: 294 · Topics: 16
There is no "starting over". Their disappearing act is part of the experience of dating them. When Ppl do that it really ruins the posibility of a good relationship. It causes distrust. Its up to you whether you want to pursue these guys that show signs of instability.
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Oct 29, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 16583 · Topics: 222
Yeah it sucks. I eventually get over it. It's ok it's another experience to add too. Love knowledge, power, and exciting experiences...
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Mar 30, 2012Comments: 1243 · Posts: 16617 · Topics: 170
Why would you want to start something up with such a flaky individual?
These guys aren't trustworthy nor reliable. When they come sniffing around, it's usually because they're bored/lonely and have no other options. Because they've come in and out in the past, they think they can do it again with you.
The fact that you want to entertain such ridiculous behavior says that you allow them to do this as well. Want to keep it simple and just chat them up? Fine. But I wouldn't take it beyond that.
Any time I've had a guy do this, I immediately think "what do you want?" Guys just don't come back around just because. There's almost always motive, as paranoid as that sounds. Every single guy I've known to do this usually has a motive. It's either sex, or trying to find someone to fill some void they have in their life at the moment. Neither are good enough reasons for a stable, healthy relationship.