This topic was created in the Relationships forum by james tate on Monday, September 13, 2010 and has 11 replies.
I guess I'LL just stalk her until she panic's and gives in.
true very true
Poor Tate. Here's some biscuits. Now, let's sit down and have a nice long chat about the fact you can't make someone love you. They have to feel it, or they don't. Now buck up little man, it will be alright. *ruffling hair*
I have a stalker Tate would you like me to ask him for tips? smile
This reminds me that I haven't stalked in a while, the shame...
Posted by LovelyScorp
mr.crabby, you want to tag team stalk Mr. Tate? I hear he's looking for a stalker. He'll probably pay us well too.

I'll ask to be paid in Camembert and whiskey.
I tried to invite him to stalk me... but he declined.
He cant make me love him, and I cant make him stalk me..... ahh what issues we have.
Posted by Mr Nice
Jay, shes around I just think she does not like it when people are fighting on this site. She did say a while back she was training for a compo so maybes shes bizzy.

Hi Mr, Nice!!! Yes, Ive been busy. Actually Ive been doing a little traveling. Ive been in Vegas and Arizona for two weeks.
Still lov u
I still love you too JT!!!!
THanks Mr. Nice. I am very well!!! Yes, travelling has bee great, but now I have to get back to real life... damn it!