I left and Im the one hurt...

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by beautiful69 on Sunday, December 10, 2006 and has 4 replies.
Two weeks ago I decided to leave my boyfriend now ex of a year because the relationship consisted of lies from the beginning to end. He continued to keep contact with an ex, atleast I thought she was; a woman who tried to attack me on two occasions, she disrespected him in so many different ways, his family and he just continued to lie to me about their contact with eachother, he told me I had nothing to worry about but it was so hard to believe him because he had lied to me about this once before. At one point he after allowing him to use my cell phone because he didn't have one he would contact her and soon enough she had my telephone number and continued to harrass and tell me they were together etc. while he lied and claim he doesn't know how she got the number. He never once wanted to prove to me that nothing was going on. I have been through so much, the things that I have mentioned is the least. I told him in the beginning that I was afraid of getting hurt, and that's exactly what happened. Even though he lied about so many things I stayed with him giving him a chance. I hadn't had a chance to trust him because he betrayed me from the very beginning with situations with other women including his ex (so I thought she was). It was really bad, I had suffered from a great deal of anxiety while in this relationship. All I wanted was to be with someone that was ginuine,and honest and I ended up with a broken heart. I decided after arriving at his house an early monday morning realizing he wasn't home and had spent the night out, noticing the last number dialed on the house phone was to his ex, even though he told me he doesn't talk to her. I realized at that point I couldn't take the pain anymore, so I decided to write a note telling him it was over since I had no other way to contact him and hadn't spoken to him in two days for some reason.
Now I feel all alone, and sad; I often regret that I left him, even though I know leaving was the best decision. I feel that now he's living his life not caring which has always been his attitude towards me and the relationship. He may be having the time of his life. I want him to hurt the way he hurt me. Since breaking up with him I have changed my number, unfortunately I had to cut off contact with his family (they loved me, we were close)because it's the only way I feel I can get over this fast and easily. Its not as easy as I thought though.
I read your story.. You will get over it, and soon you will realize that you did what was best for you. You can find someone who really loves and cares about you. I would say this was his loss already, he will realize that later. I wish you all the best!
"I decided after arriving at his house an early monday morning realizing he wasn't home and had spent the night out, noticing the last number dialed on the house phone was to his ex, even though he told me he doesn't talk to her." You did the right thing by ending it with him. Chances are, anytime an "ex" calls and says they're seeing the male in question, they are not the ones lying. I've had this happen to me. My ex was asleep at his fling's house and she got ahold of my cell phone # and called me the next day and asked me who I was, etc. I'm sorry this scum did this to you. You deserve so much better and you will find it. Because you ended it, you will feel much stronger and have more respect for yourself than had you stayed with this two-timer.
"Now I feel all alone, and sad; I often regret that I left him" You need to understand that his heart left the relationship sooner than you physically leaving. The feelings of sadness and regret will subside. It will take time, but it will make you stronger.
He's not worth the tears u cry or the hours u waste thinking about him....been there, done that...2 timing cheats don't get another chance!!
Get out and have yourself some FUN girl!!!!