Ideal Relationship for Each Zodiac Sign?

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by saibasabu7 on Thursday, February 6, 2020 and has 1 replies.
Based on the chemistry and personality types of all the zodiac signs, which types of relationships are ideal for each one? For example, starting with Aries:

Aries with

Aries: Bad Influences

Taurus: FWB

Gemini: Debators/Conversationalists

Cancer: Acquaintances

Leo: Marriage

Virgo: Business Partners

Libra: Best Friends

Scorpio: Enemies

Sagittarius: Travel Buddies

Capricorn: Teacher/Learner

Aquarius: Secret Tellers/Confidants

Pisces: Good Influences

The example I used does not reflect my actual view of Aries, I was just using that to demonstrate what I’m asking. Also, the types of relationships I used can be renamed to whatever you feel is appropriate, rather than having to take the options that I put down.