If he didn't spend Xmas with you, you are the side chick.

This topic was created in the Relationships forum by communicator on Monday, December 26, 2016 and has 24 replies.
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
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Not a true player.

Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Rude awakening?

You poor thing.
Posted by communicator
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
Not a true player.

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I play more than you + your dad + your grandfather

Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
Not a true player.

I play more than you + your dad + your grandfather

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Okay sport.

Posted by Cancan26
That would be weird IF he spend time with me and my family! Should we had invited his family as well? That would be a huge weird party!!! Lol

...with a few dead bodies at the end...hahaha
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
Not a true player.

I play more than you + your dad + your grandfather

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Whom are you kidding?

Unless you are playing with yourself...

Btw is it true that Asians have baby dicks when grown up?

I saw it on tv show...lol
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Cancan26
That would be weird IF he spend time with me and my family! Should we had invited his family as well? That would be a huge weird party!!! Lol

...with a few dead bodies at the end...hahaha
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A few dead bodies is never good. Merry Christmas Gemitati

Posted by communicator
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
Not a true player.

I play more than you + your dad + your grandfather

Okay sport.

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Not nessisarily. If you just started dating someone it'd be weird to parade them to your family get together. But you really should see them over the holiday weekend, unless they travelled to family and are out of town.
Posted by communicator
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by Cancan26
That would be weird IF he spend time with me and my family! Should we had invited his family as well? That would be a huge weird party!!! Lol

...with a few dead bodies at the end...hahaha
A few dead bodies is never good. Merry Christmas Gemitati

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I am Jewish! When will you learn???

Posted by LadyNeptune
Not nessisarily. If you just started dating someone it'd be weird to parade them to your family get together. But you really should see them over the holiday weekend, unless they travelled to family and are out of town.
You didn't get it lol

They trying to make me understand that I am a side piece who don't spend Cheistmas with a lover.

But you are absolutely right - some people just apart for holidays because of the different circumstances!

Haters are funny people!

Not fun but funny...and sad!
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Not nessisarily. If you just started dating someone it'd be weird to parade them to your family get together. But you really should see them over the holiday weekend, unless they travelled to family and are out of town.
You didn't get it lol

They trying to make me understand that I am a side piece who don't spend Cheistmas with a lover.

But you are absolutely right - some people just apart for holidays because of the different circumstances!

Haters are funny people!

Not fun but funny...and sad!
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well ...Ill give you this you certainly can roll with the punches can't you lol smile you seem like a nice enough person ....so I leave you with this last piece of advice and then I will leave you alone ...love escapes circumstances ....remember that..
Posted by Cancan26
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Not nessisarily. If you just started dating someone it'd be weird to parade them to your family get together. But you really should see them over the holiday weekend, unless they travelled to family and are out of town.
You didn't get it lol

They trying to make me understand that I am a side piece who don't spend Cheistmas with a lover.

But you are absolutely right - some people just apart for holidays because of the different circumstances!

Haters are funny people!

Not fun but funny...and sad!
well ...Ill give you this you certainly can roll with the punches can't you lol smile you seem like a nice enough person ....so I leave you with this last piece of advice and then I will leave you alone ...love escapes circumstances ....remember that..
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Thanks. Just tell me how does it escapes!

I think I know what you are saying this is why we live one day at the time!

Saying I love you every moment we can.

Just to keep each other happy!

Posted by LadyNeptune
Not nessisarily. If you just started dating someone it'd be weird to parade them to your family get together. But you really should see them over the holiday weekend, unless they travelled to family and are out of town.
Are you speaking from a man's perspective or a woman's logic? If a guy is into you, he will see you for Xmas. Not Xmas Eve not after Christmas not the weekend. If a guy is into you and is travelling he will FaceTime you, facebook video, whatever it takes to make sure you know how special you are on this special day. If you are new with dating and he's into you, he will ask you to come outside for a minute so he can see you.

Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Posted by Taurasian
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
Sorry. players tell their side chicks they are their side chicks, say all the wrong things, tell hers i dont want even want a relationship, dont even spend a dime on her and tell her i would want to spend christmas with her just for booty call.
Not a true player.

I play more than you + your dad + your grandfather

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...and apparently stalk more.

Posted by confusingconfused
most side chicks, if they are not super dumb, should already know they are just a side chick.

Some narcissists are extremely skilled with manipulating women. Most side chicks don't know they are side chicks if they are with a skilled player.
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by communicator
Players will love bomb a side chick. Say all the right things, tell you he wants to marry you, maybe buy a promise ring. But his actions will perpetually be different than his words like he didn't spend Christmas with you.
It's Christmas day what made you think of such a thing today? Go spend it with loved ones. You are very loved. :-)
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I am with my loved ones, my lady is sleep right by my side. The pain in a female's friend voice brought up the issue. We all participating in the forum don't have a problem with this thread. So if you do, you go and spend time with your loved ones. You are too very loved. smile

Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by communicator
Posted by confusingconfused
most side chicks, if they are not super dumb, should already know they are just a side chick.

Some narcissists are extremely skilled with manipulating women. Most side chicks don't know they are side chicks if they are with a skilled player.
I don't think you would have to be very skilled to fool me Sad
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Sorry to hear that, don't let a guy love bomb you, and simply watch his actions. Men speak with their behavior not their words.

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by LadyNeptune
Not nessisarily. If you just started dating someone it'd be weird to parade them to your family get together. But you really should see them over the holiday weekend, unless they travelled to family and are out of town.
You didn't get it lol

They trying to make me understand that I am a side piece who don't spend Cheistmas with a lover.

But you are absolutely right - some people just apart for holidays because of the different circumstances!

Haters are funny people!

Not fun but funny...and sad!
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I did get it.

I'm one of your haters. However I figured I'd limit myself to one jab today. Merry Xmas.